
He threw a bunch of pinned paper on me and ordered me " Sign it."

Am I a dog for him? buffalo

I took a look at the file. It was so heavy. I glared at him and opened the first page and read a few lines. wait What did the file mention. It mentioned, “ Party A has every right on Party B and can use Party B as much as Party A likes.”

What the hell is this?

Did he purchase me or something else?

Is he thinking of me as a slave?

He wants me to be a slave for him. Dream on. I lost my emotion in front of him twice again. I can't lose anything in front of him, especially to him.

I can't lose my dignity to a useless person, like him. I don't have any reason to marry him. But because of my father, I married him.

I gathered my courage and said, “ before signing it. Let's make a deal.”

“Deal? Interesting,” he smirked.

"I don't know why you chose me to marry. "