I feel apprehensive

I went to my company. When I entered I got greetings from everyone. I went straight to my office.

I settled in front of my desk and called the reception to know Mr. Edmin's whereabouts.

After getting my answer I hung up the call.

I came to know he was on a trip and his trip ended yesterday. Maybe he will here within 2 hrs. but he didn't inform me about the trip.

I began my work.


I got disturbed when I heard a knock on the door. I just said come in without looking up.

" ma'am "

I looked up. " Mr. Edmin, what happened why you didn't answer my phone. "

" My phone was switched off as we were in a meeting," answered Mr.Edmin

" Oh. What was that trip? "

" Ma'am, It is about the project. "

" what project"

"ma'am, gold corp. "

after hearing him. I finally remember that meeting after my birthday.

" Oh. tell me what happened at that meeting," I asked him.

" The meeting went so smoothly. He believed Lav as Lisa but....."