I will take what is mine.

" Is he married to Angela? "

Clara doesn't know the matter.

No one knows about it.

I am scared to inform Clara about the reality. if she comes to know the matter, then she will surely hate me to the core.

If Angela didn't approach me in the wrong way, then she could be alive till now.

I asked Steven if he married the slut?

The slut is Angela. He also doesn't know where Angela is. But I know where Angela is. I only know where she is currently. When her family tried to search for Angela. I made her family go bankrupt. I don't want others to know what happened on that day. She was my best friend but I didn't have any other option.

I came out of my thoughts when Clara called me.

" .....no " I hesitated.

" oh, and in between our talks, you told me you will be getting married to a man, The girl's dream man.

and you planned to escape from the marriage.

Did you succeed in breaking the marriage? You really missed the chance of marrying the girl's dream man"