Is he thinking of me as a dog?

He stopped the car at a point.

I got down and found he parked his car near a park.

I just glanced at him. Is this the place he wanted to take me on that day?

" Is this the place you wanted to take me on that day? " I asked him.

" no. " He replied as came out of the car and stepped towards me.

I just frown at him.

He came forward to hold my palm in his big hand. I wasn't willing. But he forced me and pulled me and moved forward. I can feel his warmth when his hand comes in contact with my hand. My palm looked so small compared to his.

He pulled me to walk with him. I don't know when he stopped.

" Wait here I have some work. " I heard him.

I just took a look at the place. It was an orphanage.

What work does he have here? I was in my thoughts when some small children pulled my fingers" sister, can you play with me? "

I was about to refuse them but. They were so adorable.

They were so cute, like little angels.

I can't refuse them.