
I didn't think much.

I started to concentrate on work.

I got disturbed by a knock on the door.

" come in. " I said.

" Ma'am, it's getting late. "

"I know," I said.

I looked at the person and again got on to the work.

" ma'am. ....." Edmin hesitated how to begin his conversation.

" Yes, Mr.Edmin. " I said.

" can you reconsider the cancellation of the contract of gold corp, ma'am?" asked edmin.

I stopped moving my fingers on the keyboard.

I looked at him for a few minutes.

" My words won't change. " I confidently answered Edmin.

" But ma'am...."

" Mr.Edmin, are you working for me or gold corp.? "

" for.... you, Ma'am. " nervously answered Edmin.

" then do what I say. "I said.

" ok, ma'am. "

after Edmin left the room. I continued with my work.

I again got disturbed by the notification from the cellphone.

it is a message from Buffalo.

I left the company after I got a message from buffalo.


I entered the mansion.