
Alex was laughing at my behavior.

" Buffalo, stop laughing, and carry me," I said while moving my hand forward to make him carry me.

" I won't. "replied Alex.

" buffalo because of you only my ankle is sprained," I said.

" so? " asked Alex by raising his eyebrow.

" carry me. "

Alex just looked at me before going out of the pool area.

" come back," I screamed.

Alex didn't listen to me and just walked away.

I had to try something different.

" hubby pls come back," I said pleasingly.

Alex stopped at a point when he heard my words.

But didn't turn back to help.

" My sweet hubby, pls carry me."

A smile broke on his face. He turned back and went to the pool area and stood in front of me.

" buffalo," I murmured after he stood in front of me.

He bent down and carried me in his arms.

" How did you call me, before? tell again " asked Alex.

" uh"

" buffalo. "

" buffalo?" I nodded my head.