Kill her

Author pov

Risa hung up the call.

" RISA " Alex roared.

" Mr.Paul, I told you Risa shouldn't step out of the house," said Alex.

" Master...." Mr.Paul frightened due to his master's stare.

" How did Risa know that I placed a GPS tracking device in her phone," asked Alex.

", Master.," answered Mr.Paul.

" Ask Risa to come here immediately," said Alex.

Mr.Paul tried to call but the call didn't reach her.


" Risa, can we go to the nightclub tonight, please" asked Clara with her sparkling eyes.

" No, Clara. It's getting late," said Risa.

" But Risa..." Clara hesitated.

" No," shouted Risa.

" ok. then after having dinner can we return," asked Clara.

Risa just nodded her head.

They both went to a restaurant to have their dinner.

After dinner,

They both got into the car and drove away from that place.


The car went out of control.

" Risa, what happened? " Clara screamed.


The car banged on the tree.