selling him

Risa pov

I came back to the mansion after studying in the library with Carlos.

When I entered the bedroom. I expected to find someone but found no one. I felt unhappy. I felt something was missing.

I threw myself on the bed and stared at the ceiling till I fell asleep.

In the morning...

I wasn't able to see Alex while getting ready for my classes.

After getting ready, I went to university.

when I entered the classroom.

All my classmates, especially girls, were whispering and waiting for someone, I think.

when I settle down myself. My class girls surrounded my desk.

I was blinking. I couldn't digest what was going on.

" Hello, anything you want? " I asked them.

They looked at me like they were going to eat me raw.

" How do you know the man. " said the girls in a single voice.

" who!" I asked doubtfully.

" your buffalo. " interpreted Carlos.

" uhh." why they are asking about them?

" Why are you asking about him?" I asked them.