
Immediately after he left. My cell phone began to ring. I looked at the caller. Unknown? I stared at the cell phone but didn't dare to attend the call.

Again my cell phone began to ring. I reached out and grabbed my cell phone and attended the call.

" Hello. " I said.

" Risa, are you that busy not attending my call? " said Carlos.

" Hey dumb, is that you? "

" Yes, it's me. Why are you not attending my call? "

" Had some work. Whatsup? "

" Your punishment has been reduced. "

" uh? "

" What ' uh '? Professor told you to come to college within two days or you will again be expelled. "

" are you joking? I won't buy your words. "

" It's true, Ri. To pass this information I have been trying to call you since yesterday. "

" Yesterday evening? "

" Yep. "

" Ok. Then I will hang up the call. " I said.

" Hey wait! Wait! " Carlos screamed from the other side.

I just hung up the call and threw the cell phone aside.

I laid on the bed again.