Old friend

Days passed.

The exam approached near.

Isabella stopped giving me trouble and focused on exams.

To avoid long driving.

I stayed in my penthouse which is a little bit nearer to the university till my graduation day. Alex had no option other than to stay with me. so he stayed with me in the penthouse till my graduation day and helped me in my studies.

Finally, I completed my exams.

On graduation day.

I requested my parents to attend my graduation day but they gave me some excuse to avoid attending it. Their decision made me totally upset. Even my mother gave some excuses to avoid attending it. I felt irritated.

Even though Alex had a meeting he didn't fail to attend my graduation day. there is someone who is caring about me but still, I was totally in the mood out for the entire day.

At the end of the ceremony,

" I am surely gonna miss you, Ri. " Carlos said as he hugged me.

" I am gonna miss this dumb friend. " I said as I patted his back.