First love

In the XX café

I entered the café and took a seat near a window.

I called out the waiter and ordered a cup of cappuccino and looked out through the window.

Suddenly I heard a woman's voice.

" I didn't expect Miss Risa to come earlier than me. " The woman spoke sarcastically.

I turned and took a look at the woman.

Oh, It turns out to be the stray dog.

" mm."

" Oh, it's you who called me, the stray dog. " I spoke.

" Yes, Miss. Risa. And sorry that I didn't introduce myself. I am Maria Logan. I am Alex's friend as well as his first love. Soon will be Alex's wife." She glimmered and took a seat in front of me.

First love? oh, I see.

" And Sorry to remind you. I am married. so it will be good to address me as ' Mrs.Walter '. " I spoke as I took a sip from the cup.

She silently nodded her head.

" Mm. You are telling me indirectly to know my position. "

" No, directly. " I smiled at her.

" mm." She called out the waiter and gave her orders.