
“ lover?” Alex uttered as he moved forward.

my eyes flew up after I heard his voice.

" A-Alex?" I stammered.

He looked at Carlos as if he was gonna shoot him on the spot.

But wait, what is he doing here? And with Maria? What the fuck he is doing with this BITCH?

Carlos settled on his seat.

“ It may be good if I become her lover,” Carlos said as he winked at me.

His words shifted everyone's focus.

I stared at him with my eyes widened.

Hey dumb Carlos, can’t you see the atmosphere before you joke? Don’t think you may escape. We both will suffer equally by your words.

I gulped.

“ Hey, idiot. Can you stop joking?” I spoke with a fake smile on.

“ I told the truth babe” he winked at me as he wiped his lips with the help of the napkin.


I frowned at him. Death news is confirmed.

Alex stood beside Maria and scowled at me and Carlos. Maria took a look at me before she wraps her arm around his arm. Alex didn’t avoid the contact. I gazed at Alex.