country bumpkin

We returned by nightfall.

Inside the Mansion.

We entered the mansion and immediately our focus turned to the unimportant person in the living room. An irritating person which I don't want to see.

“ Alex, where have you been? I was waiting for you for the whole evening.” She spoke placidly as she stood up from the couch. Her facial expression immediately changed when she found my presence.

“ Waiting for whom?” I asked as I moved forward and stood beside him.

“ Alex, you promised me. you will spend some time with me. "

" promised? " I asked as I looked at Alex. Alex avoided my gaze.

" Where were you been, Alex. " Maria asked.

" You don't know where the couple will go at this late night? " I spoke as I took a look at my wristwatch before I look at Maria.

" Alex, I was anxious when you didn't attend my call. " She ignored me.

I see.

What an arrogant bitch! I murmured as I turned my face away from them with my arms folded across my chest.