
“ If you hate, then just throw her out of the mansion. You have full right my wife to throw someone out of the mansion.”

“ Then can I throw you out of the room?” I asked.

“ You can. But I know my wife won’t do such a thing to her husband.”

“ Is that so, hubby?” I asked.

“Yes, because you can’t be without me.” He whispered near my ear as he bit my earlobe.

“Mm. Now tell me how you will compensate for your absence for a month,” I asked.

“ How should I compensate, Baby?” He stared at me.

" I want you. " I whispered near his ears and kissed on his lips. Before I parted my lips. He grabbed the chance and seized my lips. He pulled me in, claiming my mouth again, hungry and intense, until my knees gave in. I pulled him closer without leaving a gap to breathe. His fingers slipped under my shirt coming into contact with my skin. He slowly approached the bed and placed me on the bed.
