Illegitimate child

At midnight.

On my way to the Mansion. Suddenly the car stopped on the way to the mansion.

“ Damn it!” I exclaimed. I hit my forehead on the horn. I peeked through the window and looked at the scary forest. I gulped.

I searched for my cell phone and tried to call Alex. He didn’t pick up my call. I called him again. He didn’t pick up my calls.

“ What is he thinking of?” I murmured.

I sighed and put my cell phone back in its place. I didn’t dare to get out of the car. I adjusted my coat as I looked around.

I took my cell phone from my coat.

Before I called one of the butlers. A car got my attention. Wait a second. I stared at the car and found the car to be similar to Alex’s car.

I got out of the car and went towards the car. It’s Alex’s car. What is he doing here at this late night? I looked around and found an entrance. I slowly took my steps and entered the forest. Within a few steps, I found a sepulcher.

A grave in the middle of a forest?