
The next day,

Clara got discharged from the hospital but she stayed in the hospital to take care of my brother.

The following day, I disguised myself and followed the man named Mark who she sought for his help. In a single day, he frequently went to the club and met some of his crew members and nothing much. To find out more about him. The next day following night,

I went to the club.

As per Clara’s information, the man who threatened her family will come to g city to attend a meeting with this man named, mark and also with other men. I have to know when that meeting is going to be held.

So first I have to get involved with the man named Mark, then it will be easy to approach Andre, who threatened Clara’s family. I went to the club. I took a seat at the bar.

“ A cocktail please,” I ordered.

The waiter nodded his head and soon he placed my order on the table. I observed my surroundings for a minute.