
Days passed.

Everything came back to its track. But something is off about Alex. His behavior changed not only towards me but also to everyone. He removed many servants and bodyguards from the mansion saying' I want to be alone. '

I don't know what these servants and bodyguards had done to make him tell that he needs to be alone. He fired everyone except two servants including my personal servant, Anna, a cook, and a butler.

In this huge villa or mansion, just six of them are living, including me and kitty.

Alex stopped coming to the mansion. Even if he comes, he just comes and uses me for his own needs and leaves. If he needs to satisfy his needs that much, why does he have to come here and find me? He just can find a mistress to satisfy his needs and keep her beside him but why me.

Or when he is in a drunken state he will come to the mansion. It's been three months since he began to act weird. I really don't know what's the reason behind the change in his attitude.