
“ Can you relax your leg, Mrs.Victoria?” The doctor asks as he removes the bandage and checks Risa’s legs.

The doctor checks her legs and assures her. “ Within two to three months, You will soon stand on your feet.” He adds “ The fracture on your leg is completely healed. But don’t stress yourself trying to stand on your feet.”

Eric’s phone vibrators. Eric looks at Risa and the doctor before he takes his phone.

He picks it up.

“ Sir.” comes Matthew’s voice.

“ Say.”

“ I think you have to come here.” comes his worried voice.

As he enters the building, “ What happened?” Eric asks, passing through a bunch of people who are greeting him.

“ Your grandfather abruptly canceled his vacation and came to the company and..” Matthew hesitates.

“ And…” Eric enters the lift and presses the fifteenth-floor button. The lift ascends.

“ And arranged a shareholder meeting.”

“ Then?”

“ He proposed to take away your power from you.”