
The conversation made Dylan think deeply. After the conversation, he doesn't bother Alex again. Dylan looks at Alex who is waiting to pick him and Davina up. He stares at Alex. Davina goes and sits in the backseat. He looks at Alex. He moves and sits in the passenger seat. Alex looks his way. He also climbed into the car.

On their way. Dylan sees an ice cream parlor. " Pull over. I want to have ice cream. " Dylan screams.

" Your mom will be against the idea of having ice cream. "

" I want to. " He murmurs.

Alex looks at him and pulls over the car. Immediately Dylan steps out of the car. He runs to the other side without looking at the road. Alex gets out with Davina and is about to tell him not to run. He finds a car approaching from another side.

“ Dylan,” He shouts. Before Alex’s bodyguards move to save him. Alex without hesitating runs and pulls him out of the road. The car passes them.