
Chapter Thirty-Three


Chaos’s P.O.V

I was awoken by the beating of drums and the echoes of a chant you rarely heard even back in our home realm. A chant that was as old as time itself.

I turned to find Xavier leaning against the headboard with his eyes squeezed shut.

My heart broke for my little boy. He didn’t deserve what happened to him either but we were both victims of the harsh reality that is life. The balance of the world had to remain intact no matter what and that is why consequences came with manipulating it.

Consequences that were a touch to harsh but that is the way of life.

Repositioning myself, I lifted him into my arms and cuddled him tightly to my chest. I turned to find his father sound asleep and I could only sigh to dispel the rage that was bubbling beneath the surface. Dropping a kiss on Xavier’s forehead, I whispered quietly’

“I am so sorry my little warrior”

“I know Mama” he replied hoarsely