Level 1 soldiers

Matthew's POV:-

Amecian?!?... That's probably my golden's name. Her eyes rolled back and and when she opened her eyes again , they were the beautiful shade of brown that I loved so much.....wait I love....no...like....no...Fu©k it! I love her eye colour.

Realising that we were all stairing at her she spoke up.

"What happened?"

Before anyone of us could reply the car came to a screeching halt.

"The fuck!".

We looked ahead to see four guys blocking the road.

" Don't get out of the car. " Michael literally screamed into my ears from outside the car.

The guys were stairing strait at the car, Chris got off the car... that's all I could make out... I entire place was getting foggy to such an extent that I could barely see the person beside me . There was a loud shrill sound and I know for sure if it continues for another 5minutes I'll go deaf. I tried to feel my princess's hand beside me , but it was empty ... I herd the car door close with a bang.