Chapter 5~I have found her

After the meeting, everything seems to be extra calm. Arthur had become more aggressive as if someone had triggered his most precious thing. Philip is having a hard time taking care of Arthur.

Arthur's anger, aggression, pain, agony everything has turned into more severe.

♡︎Philip POV♡︎

Elda has become uncontrollable now. Neither mother nor me can handle him. He didn't just win all the contracts but also decided to destroy the career of all his competitors.

We both were traveling in the car as we had to go for a sight seeing in the outskirts of the city. As usual Elda is in anger. we shouldn't have gone to that council meeting. the driver suddenly pulled the brake and we jerked up. God why now!!!!!! elda will kill this driver.i slowly looked towards him but to my surprise he wasn't a little bit angry .Instead a satisfying silence look was seen on his face. He was staring at something. I followed his direction of stare and saw a truck full of horses turned upside down.

why is elda looking at that truck so immensely??? from his face I can say he is trying to figure out something and when he figured out he ran out of the car....... I also followed him behind. a crowd formed around the truck. some doctors who maybe are called veterinarians came soon. Elda started pushing everyone to get through the crowd. I had to apologise to everyone.

I don't know what Elda was searching for. He didn't stop searching until the vets took the horses away. Even when the crowd reduced, elda continued searching. I had to stop him or else he would go mad. In the meantime I got a faint sweet smell but I couldn't be distracted so let it be my imagination and asked elda.......

" Elda please for god sake stop now. What are you searching???? We are being late for the meeting. "

" Phil..... Philip...she.......she.....was here. She was right here. She was so close but still so far. " Elda said with a broken voice .

who???? who did he find????? is it elda's girl???!???

♡︎Arthur POV♡︎

The last council meetings had ruined my mood and everything. My birth, childhood , my life, everything, each and every fucking thing was a lie. I have to find out about my past. Without letting anyone know even Philip.

From the past few days, my anger and frustration rose to a new level. My beast has taken control over me. I don't know for how long I can stop him.

He starts destroying everything.Be it things at home or office or the lives of my competitors.

Today we had to go to the outskirts for sightseeing. I was with much difficulty controlling my beast. We traveled peacefully until the driver made a hard break. Does he have a death wish????!??

But for some reason I didn't get angry. I was getting a peaceful message.As if someone near me is controlling my beast. Controlling his anger. But ...... but how is this possible???? It doesn't happen until I am near her...... does that mean she is here????? If she is here then why can I get her pheromones or smell???!?!!!

I looked at the front and saw a truck full of horses turned upside down. I was getting a feeling that someone near me was there. Someone very close to my heart.

Without any further thinking I ran towards the truck. A crowd formed around the truck. I started pushing everyone. Many of them were thinking me as crazy but I couldn't care less. I searched and searched but still couldn't find anything except a faint scent. She was here..... right in front me......she tamed my beast without doing anything. just by her presence he calmed down. I didn't know what to do . should I be happy as I found her or should I be sad as I lose her again. why why whyyy ??????

why does it happen to me??? Can't I have my only person near me?????? EVERYTHING I HAVE IS FAKE!!!! AND THE ONLY ONE WHO IS MY REAL FAMILY IS SO FAR AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!! whyyyyyyyyy????

♡︎Aurora's POV♡︎

Today was a very hectic plus a strange day. A truck full of horses had an accident at the outskirts of the city. we had to rush there. and also in the clinic we had to do tons of work. and the weird thing is I sensed three powerful entities' presence. how is this possible????? all the strong entities are supposed to be in the dark world. and the most weird thing is I got a scent which was so unfamiliar to me yet so familiar???? thank God I covered Luna's scent.

She is also behaving a little bit awkwardly. Also at the incident place she was looking here and there as if she was searching someone. I had asked her but she shrugged it off saying she sensed someone's presence. I have to be more careful around Luna.

♡︎Luna POV♡︎

Why did I feel this unknown connection there???? as if someone close to my heart was there and was looking for me???? I seriously need to see a doctor.

☾︎unknown POV☽︎

" I have found her.". I said over the phone and then cut it .

Now no one can save you. Hahahahahahaha { Evil laugh}