Chapter 13~ Confused Feelings

It's hard to understand when the person standing in front of you seems to be fake when in actual its true.

You remain stuck in this game of fake and real unless anyone shows you the light and bring you out of this mirage.

In the case of our Philip who will be his light that will show him the real one.

After the two hour struggle, the dog finally gave birth to 5 cute little puppies.They were cleaned afterwards and were kept in another room.

Ela, Jas, Richie, Aiden and Philip followed Aurora back to the cabin as now they have to learn some theoretical things. If you don't have the theoretical knowledge of the particular thing then you won't be able to use it practically.

Aurora placed a white board on the wall and took a black marker and started explaining everything to them. After 1 hour , they finished their session . All of them went out to have lunch except Philip and Aiden.

Out of nowhere Aiden approached Aurora. " Miss Aurora, wont you have your lunch??" he asked Aurora with a sly smile.

"Thank you for your concern Mr. Aiden but I am not hungry . I have some work so excuse me." Aurora said while moving towards the door. She saw Philip with a clenched jaw. His eyes became black.

" The mate bond is becoming strong day by day. I won't be able to restrict anymore. I have to do something." Aurora thought and quickly moved out from there.

Meanwhile Philip is burning in anger and jealousy. He was burning holes in Aiden by his eyes. If eyes could kill someone, Aiden would have been killed thousands of times. Philip approached him and said," Stay away from her. Or I wont stop myself from taking your soul away from you."

Aiden didn't say anything as he could feel some strong power radiating from Philip. In the meantime, Aiden got a call," Yes, yes I am following her. But one man is being a hurdle. Yah yah, don't worry I will get rid of him. Let me get close to her first. Bye." he said and cut the call.

" You will lead us to the immortal power Aurora. You will be the cause of the immortal power loss. You will lead us to that power even though you are its PROTECTOR." Aiden thought with a smirk on his face.

A very big conspiracy is being played by many of the enemies. They all are different but with the same motive they are chasing the power. They are giving their all just to be immortal. But they dont know that immortality lies in living with your dear ones, sacrificing your life for them, living every moment of their life with them. This is called immortality.....

♡︎Philip POV♡︎

This guy!!!! How dare he ask her these things?? I am here to ask her that?? And she should have denied him rudely.. She shouldn't talk so sweetly to him.

I also went behind her. I saw her taking some notes from the receptionist. She is talking something serious as her eyebrows are knitted together. Even her side face is so gorgeous. Her sharp jaw, high cheekbones. She has a tiny mole just beside her left eye. It's not too small nor not too big. It's like a beauty spot on her face.

After she finished her work, she started moving towards the storeroom maybe to keep those papers. I also followed behind her. Hehe she didn't feel my presence.

When I entered inside , the lights were off, not even a single light was present. I heard some moves behind me and an intoxicating familiar smell. I abruptly turned around, before I could do something, a sudden force made me kneel down. I looked upwards and saw her standing infront of me with one hand on her hip and another is behind her back hiding something.

I tried to get up but she brought her hand back from her back and to my surprise she was holding a surgical knife. She placed it on my neck and said,'' I am not doing anything just because you are my junior. Don't try to cross your line.``

With that she moved the knife and turned back. How dare she!!!!! I didnt even do anything and she is behaving like this. And whereas that Aiden guy flirted with her, that doesn't concern her.

This made my anger rise to a greater level. I stood up and pinned her to the door. Her back is facing my front, her both hands are pinned by my one hand above hand and my other hand made its way to her stomach. I pulled her more into me. Her soft back pressed all to my rock hard chest.

I moved my hand from her stomach and raised it to her hair and opened it and moved it to her right shoulder. And then again placed my hand on her stomach. I took into her intoxicated, alluring and unknowingly soothing smell. She started breathing heavily due to this. I dipped my head deep in her neck and shoulder joint. Her breathing is becoming heavy with each second. I started nuzzling my nose in the crook of her neck moving it from her back of ear to the joint again and again. Why is she so tempting to me? She isnt my mate!!!!! If she was, her first encounter, first interaction with me would have let me know. My inner self would have gone crazy by her one appearance.

She murmured to me," Wh....what Mr. Philip?? " her crazy heavy breathing is making me insane.

I turned her around. Her whole face is flushed red. Her cheeks are looking like sweet cherries. Her cute button nose has become a shade of pinkish red as if she has got cold.

I slowly whispered in my husky voice," You saw that Aiden giving you lustful eyes yet you talk to her nicely. But I am warning you about him but you behaved rudely with me. That's not acceptable Miss Aurora.``

I moved closer to her face and again whispered," Not acceptable Miss Aurora."

" Why does it matter to you? It's my life." She said to me with anger lacing her voice but her eyes tightly closed.

" Open your eyes and listen to me." I said to her.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked into my eyes. We made eye contact and that's it. Just this eye contact made me lose all my consciousness. Her eyes hold so much pain, sadness, mystery, love, secrets. She is hiding them and feeling the pain alone.

I said while staring deep into her eyes,"

I don't know why I care.❤︎

I don't know why I feel attracted to you❤︎

I don't know why your fragrance is so alluring and addictive❤︎

I don't know why your these deep eyes make me drown into them.❤︎

I don't why I feel familiar to you♥︎

I don't know why I have these ♥︎CONFUSED FEELINGS❤︎ for you......."

All these words are direct from my heart. I have to find out why I have these confused feelings. If I don't have any mate then why is she attracting me so much with her smell.

I placed my lips on her forehead. My lips lingered on her forehead for a long time. I parted away when we heard that she was being summoned by the other doctors. She pushed me away and ran away. I stare at her disappearing figure with a soft smile. Whatever these feelings are, I won't let these feelings be erased from my heart. It makes me feel aesthetic and loved. I am falling for her. I am falling deeply for her without my own agreement.

♡︎Aurora POV♡︎

I am falling for him (crying), I am feeling deeply for him( crying). Why is he making it difficult for me??( crying)whyyyyyyyy(crying)........ The more I want to go away from him, the more he is pulling me towards him........

[ The mate bond has started its magic. Aurora knows that Philip is her mate but is still running away from the truth. Whereas Philip is loving Aurora without even knowing she is his mate. He is being protective, possessive towards her. One is trying to run from these feelings. And another one is trying to understand these confused feelings...]