

She had different dreams that night.

First, she dreamt she was at her last birthday party again, but this time she was conscious of leaving the party and driving down a road before waking up with a start.

Staring at the ceiling, she realized what was happening. Kris could feel her heart beating and another flash of her last dream went through her mind. It made her nervous to know that her dream was changing.

When she went back to sleep, she found herself aged and graying, rocking on a porch chair. She heard a commotion from within the house and three little children came out with a distinguished-looking old man.

“Gammy,” one girl piped, “How did you meet Grampa?”

Kristina frowned. “Well, I don’t know.”

The little girl’s older brother said, “Where did he used to take you? Mommy says that you didn’t have the bubble store back then.”