Chapter 9 f Entertainer

Robert, who was a young idiot at the time, had been the first in line to be questioned. “I have a family that needs me,” he admitted. “I’ve never even held a gun before, either.”

“No bother,” the commander smiled. “Show me your family and I promise that you won’t have a job where you need to hold a gun at all.”

Robert looked across the line at his beautiful tall wife who was holding his precious baby girl in her arms. They hadn’t so much as spoke for two months since he’d last left for delivery. He thought he was doing them a favor.

The commander waved his hand for her to step out of line. As her foot lifted off of the ground, he picked up his gun and shot her right in between her eyes. She fainted to the ground dropping the baby. Robert leapt out of line to take his daughter into his arms. The militants gave him a horrendous beating to his left hip, intentionally, forever deforming him. He wasn’t able to reach his daughter, because the commander shot her, too.