Chapter 13 e Crow

Iggy nodded his head, acknowledging what he was being told, but not looking over at Bert in the slightest. A low raspy laugh came out of Bert like puffs of air, a shocking reaction. “You don’t like me now, Robert,” he interrupted, “but you will. Look at what I brought.” With his eyes still planted on Iggy, he slipped his hand into the pocket of his worn pullover jacket and pulled out a white plastic box the size of a palm. The small plastic box was clean and stood out against his brown tinged hand like a white speck against a black wall. With his two unkempt fingers, he clicked the box open.

Inside there were little fluid filled tubes with tiny needles at the end; a strange sort of prepared syringe that Iggy could have recognized without ever seeing them before. Bert picked one out and held it between his fingertips. Watching Iggy from behind the small syringe, he said, “this-” the tube twisted around in his grip “-is real medicine. And I will give it to you, for free.”