28: Lay It To Rest

Greg caught Donna as she rushed toward the garage.

“Donna, stop!” He caught her wrist and put his other hand on her shoulder, turning her round to face him.

Her face was drawn in angry lines and tears threatened to fall down her cheeks.

“Don’t touch me!”

He let go. “Where are you going?”

“I need to think,” she said, “away from you and that woman.”

“I don’t think you should be driving right now,” he said evenly.

“What do you even care?” she spat out.

“I do care,” he insisted. “You shouldn’t even be this upset right now, it can’t do you any good.”

“If you cared anything at all about me and the baby, you would have thought it through before you invited that bully to my house, Greg,” Donna hissed. “How could you not tell me?”

“I didn’t even want you to see her,” he said honestly. “I knew you would get upset.”

“Damn right, I’d get upset. How could you let her come and say these hurtful things in front of me?” she shouted, pushing him with both hands.