Chapter 3

Life wasn't that bad and I finally turned 1 year old.

My mother's name was Risa, as I finally found out when a messenger came looking for her at the door to hand a letter over. I didn't find out what was written, but my mother looked expectant at it, while also wary.

I didn't bother to find out, as I was more concerned about the fact that my mother was lovingly playing with me. What a tsundere though.

She still tries to convince herself that she hates the fact that I was born sometimes. She sighs when she can't help herself to hug me tightly as if I'm the only thing she has.

My first word was mommy, which shocked my mother a bit, since she didn't know how to react. She clumsily patted my head as a new found pride took her over.

By that time I also managed to stand, because I didn't take any chances with this body. Walking was a matter of time and by the time I was 2, I could speak without impediments while running without falling over invisible obstacles.

It was also more fun since mother finally took me out for a stroll. She was reluctant about it, because she tends to be overprotective. She took me to her new workplace, apparently she got a job at a bakery one year ago.

The owner was a sweet granny that most probably took pity of my mother. Not anybody could accept someone with that type of background.

My mother worked hard so I was happy she managed to put such a smile every day. Granny was a bit like any grandmother would be. She spoiled me rotten.

Granny was lonely since she didn't have children and her husband died shortly after marriage since he was an adventurer. She decided to adopt my mom by the time I was 3, my mother was an orphan so she didn't have any family either.

We moved in her house and it was very spacious. The room we had was at least six times larger and the house was surrounded by a lovely flowery smell while it felt extremely cosy. The structure was made out of wood mainly. It looked a bit rustic.

Well, after a few strolls around town, I managed to figure out that the place I reincarnated to was definitely a fantasy world, since there were elves and beastmen. The country was named Endras which reminded me of something, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

When I finally saw myself in a mirror, I saw that I had pink hair and pink eyes. I wasn't surprised since I look at my mother every day. And colours like that are common here.

There was something like a kindergarten and my granny decided to send me there to spend time with other children my age since I was already at an age perfect for learning and socializing.

Our teacher/caretaker was a grumpy lady in her 30's. Her hair was black and her strict grey eyes watched us like a hawk. I appreciate responsible personnel, but it was a bit scary when she got angry. She took care of about over 20 children.

I mostly just drew during my 5 hour stay, or read children books to the others. I did play tag and hide and seek, it was pretty fun.

I'm wondering if I am enjoying being a kid a bit too much, hehe.