Chapter 19

Days are so boring now.

My pals are currently ignoring me for some mysterious reason.

They're not dead though.

Jack was promoted to sergeant so I'm surrounded by unfamiliar people.

I rolled around in my bed from frustration like a spoiled kid who didn't get what he wanted.

I need fun!

Oh fun! Where had thou gone?

As if answering my calls, the heavens sent me my burly new corporal.

“Stop the rolling and get ready! You're going on a solo mission since everyone else is busy, not like a certain somebody!”

“Oh, you tell me! I was just waiting for a certain somebody to finally give me something to do!”

He muttered something under his breath and had an annoyed look on his silly bear face.

It's their fault I'm so bored. They kept me out of missions for a while now.

“Listen! It's an easy mission. You have to slay a mutated demonic bear near the Brook village. The villagers are scared to even go outside at night. The village is on the other side of the mountain and you even have two weeks time to complete it! You're practically going on a vacation. You should be grateful you know!”

“Wow! You're right! It does sound like a vacation!”

Bear man felt even more annoyed.

“How many times do I have to tell you my name is not bear man! It's B-A-R-N-E-Y!”

“Yeah! Bear Barney!”


He stomped off furiously with a howl.

I guess my annoying self is resurfacing in the presence of easily bullied people.

Ah! Such is the circle of life. Weak are bullied by the strong. Strong bully the weak.

And I, a 7 year old, bully a 2 meter tall grown up man.

Good old times!

Just kidding!

Kids, it's wrong to bully!

Why do I not sound convincing?

Who was I talking to again?

I took the map and tried to memorize it since maps are not up for the taking.

I prepared some rations and a sleeping bag. I wore the cool military uniform. They used burgundy and black, while I had specially made knee high leather boots.

My sword was too big to be carried like the rest did. If I were to carry it by the belt, it would just drag dirt. So I just strapped it behind my back. The reason I'm wearing the official uniform is because I have to reassure the civilians. Military support is crucial to the citizens of the fiefdom, since their safety is a promise all nobles have made. Or else demonic beasts would reign free while the taxpaying people lose their lives. And no one would be happy about that.

Soldiers don't have to wage wars anymore, and their job consists of demonic beast exterminations. Just like adventurers.

Adventurers are paid better and go on private requests. They are also not restrained like the military is.

Let's just say that the most striking difference is that the military is funded by the nobles and adventurers are funded by yourself. Well, not really, it's just that you don't have to pay twice for something to be done since you already pay taxes.

Wait! I just realized! Is a 7 year old kid even capable of reassuring a cow in front of danger!?

Did they just send me away to get rid of me?