Chapter 16 - Reality Of My Mind

I grabbed my big fluffy gown putting it on as I slid open the door to the deck of the room, I couldn't help the similarities that it had to the one across the lake. I sat down at the edge of the deck and gazed at the stars, the moon looked as though someone has taken a huge bite of it only leaving a slight sliver of its existence. The stars seemed to be brighter than ever though. I reached up as though I could grab at one. I was struggling to get my head cleared, a lot of feelings were swirling and for some reason, I could feel myself changing. I wasn't sure if it was for the better or not. Things that I cared about I no longer wanted, I wanted to change as much as I could now.

"you make a habit of this don't you?" Lucis' voice brought a rush of calm to my mind

"I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake you," I said still looking at the stars