Chapter 33 - Hag of the Night


It was the weirdest thing, Lilith disappeared behind a thick wall of fog. And when it cleared, she was gone.

"Lilith?" Lucis said softly as he walked closer to where she was standing. "Lilith!" he shouted as he turned in a half-circle shouting her name again.

"you" he shouted at Amanda, she jumped at his outburst "walk"

"What!" it wasn't Amanda that answered it was Justin,

"she is the only fucking person now that can feel the way"

"she's not going on her own!" Justin shouted as the rest of the group watched the two of them

"stop!" Amanda's voice echoed "I'll go" she whispered

"no, not by yourself," Justin said making a move towards her, but she backed away

"I'll go with her," the dwarf said in his low rough voice "less likely to be seen and all" Amanda looked at Justin with her brow raised, and without warning, she walked forward, the dwarf hot on her heels. The rest of the group waited a minute before they started following the two.