Vincent walks away and enters the HR office, “Hey Frank I need this signed and approved right now.”
“Alright Mr Enzo, just give me a minute, I will get the signature for you.”
As I'm waiting for the signature I couldn't stop but wonder about Cedrian, that boy is not going to last in this company, his mouth is his own enemy, maybe it was a mistake hiring him here I think to myself.
Anyway we shall see, the HR comes back with a signed form and gives it to me, I thank him, leave the office and head upstairs into Alexis's office.
“Good morning, Miss Rosewell?”
“Nothing about this morning is good Vincent,” Alexis replied.
This is just great, I have to deal with two self absorbed persons this morning, I think to myself. Though I had an opportunity to fire that other Maniac downstairs, He did not even thank me for the job.
“Here is the last approved form for the new workers,” I say handing her the file
“You know you do not have to over see this recruitment issue, that's why we have the HR department. You are the CEO of this company and you are overworking yourself, allow people you hired to do such work,” I try reminding her.
She finally lifts her head and eyes me from top to down. Unlike Page, her first assistant, I am more free to tell her off and guide her. Even though I get straight rude answers most of the time, sometimes she listens and takes my advice and counsel.
“Vincent, last time I allowed you to recruit general workers you and your bigot friends hired hot señoras to sleep with Every Time you felt like. You turned this company into a brothel and in the end cost me thousands of dollars. And now I have to over work myself in this company so that things are done properly.”
I pretend like I did not hear anything, yes myself and the other directors really turned this place into something else.
“Now separate these files into male and females, and hand me the female files, If any of them is pretty I'm firing them with immediate effect,” she adds.
“That's internalised sexism.”
Alexis and I look at the door and it's Page holding a cup of coffee.
“Thank you Page, I conquer”
“Why don't you fire the men that can't keep it in their pants,” she adds.
“Good point page," I conquer again without thinking it through
Alexis shoots daggers at me.
“I already fired the bigot that lost me money, I'm trying to prevent such an incident from occurring again,” Alexis replies
“Well if you ask for my opinion even if you employ ugly fat señoras these men will do anything as long as they see skirts, You disadvantaging young ladies because of these men is not fair,” Page responds.
Thanks to page i'm no longer the center of discussion in here, I think to myself
Alexis gets up and breathes in, Page and I look at each
other terrified. Rule number one of this company is never enter a debate with Alexis Rosewell. The woman will grill you to death. Surprising she looks at us, smiles and says “That's why every Friday all male employees will be attending anti sexual harassment sessions,” Alexis announces.
"What!!! since when, I cry out, is there even a thing called "anti sexual harassment session????”
“It's our thing now Vincent, I have even drafted it in our policy, and by everyone I mean even you Vincent will be attending theses classes”
“But miss Alexis, you know how Friday is??? And have all the board members signed on it??”
“Yes Vincent, and you are the main culprit in this company, you are just clever at hiding it. if other males see you spearheading this session it will definitely be a success.”
“But what about the women? Will they attend this same session too?" I ask
Both Page and Alexis burst out laughing so hard like I just cracked the biggest joke of a century.
“Come on guys, you know that this sexual harassment goes both ways??"
“Vincent, which woman has ever sexually harassed you in this company? Tell me and I will add her to the Session?" Alexis asks. “Infact wipe your tears, the board only agreed on the condition that even female employees found wanting would take the class too," she adds.
“Never mind,” reply. These women really know how to ruin a perfect Friday.
“I think this is just a waste of resources and time,” I add.
“This is a every good step we are taking as a company, this will be all over the media, I can even see the headline, (Glow Cosmetics leading in the fight against sexual harassment in the work environment)” Alexis replies.
I almost curse but I control myself
“I think they will award me with a nobel prize, imagine the look on my brother's face when he sees me with such an award. He will have to hold a grand party for me on the moon.” she adds
I knew somehow her brother would come in somewhere, it's always competition with them, I ignore her last statement.
"Vincent, Meet with the media department this afternoon, and see how you can spice this session up. We might have had a scandal last quarter but this quarter we are shining," Alexis says with a grin on her face.
She takes a seat and begins going through the workers files one by one, while myself and Page stand there watching. She finishes and says “Now for today, so far so good, all these ladies are ugly, only a cursed fool would open their legs, they have all passed my screening, good work Vincent,”
My mouth is agape, I can not believe what just came out of her mouth
“Do not look at me like that, let's go and welcome our new members of staff,” she says standing up.
“Is that really necessary? They are just general workers.” I ask
“Yes this quarter I am getting involved in everything, now lead the way”
“Okay if the CEO says so.”