I called Mervin and we were off to the office, I could feel my head stinging and I'm starting to regret my decision to go in today.

Page notices my discomfort and asks if we can turn back home but turning back home is not an option.

It is definitely a must that I attend today's meeting otherwise the directors will keep losing faith in me. I will only attend the meeting and come back home and rest, I assure her.

We are finally at Glow Cosmetics earlier than usual, I really need to prep myself, the members will definitely need to feel my pitch if I am going to get any of their signatures.

We head straight to the conference room, and find Vincent already prepping up.

“Good morning Miss Rosewell, '' he says, “you definitely do not look well, maybe we should move the meeting,” he adds.

“No Vincent I'm great, we need to pitch this brand once and for all if we are going to get any sponsors. I will just go to my office and add some bit of make-up, I will be right back.

I Walk to my office but my dumb secretary is no where to be found, this lady is really pushing it.

I enter my office and I'm struck breathless, there is a stripper, shirtless and waving a vest in the air. I close my eyes and pinch myself hard just as a way of confirming that I'm not really hallucinating, maybe I had too much wine last night.

I open my eyes and I find him staring at me and still waving that vest, my cheeks turn red and I feel myself blushing.

My brother must have paid big bucks for this one. He is stunning and gorgeous, I have to breathe in for a moment just to take the whole package. He is well proportioned in every corner with thick dark hair, in fact his dashing hypnotic green eyes are staring into my soul, he is definitely checking me out too, I can feel those eyes all over me.

His lips are rosy thick with rubbery lower fairness to them. The neat beard around the lips is definitely adding beauty and justice to those lips, those thick eyebrows Oooh God.

His huge neck, I can only imagine how my lips can devour that neck, I move to his bare chest and I think my heart stops a bit. That's definitely an eight and not a six pack, those muscles covering his abdominal wall are so thick, I can practically put coins in them and they would sit inplace. I'm tempted to go over and touch those thick toned muscles.

This gorgeous specimen has been delivered into my office all for me. The previous Alexis would have cancelled the meeting and devoured him but I have to use my head now. I snap out of the silly fantasy and slap myself hard.

I'm going to teach Lukas to mind his own business, I specifically warned him not to bring me a stripper. No matter how tempting this specimen is I have to send a message.

I quickly take off my heel and launch at him, “Who are you? What strippe club did my brother get you from!” I yell out

I keep hitting him over and over again, he keeps denying being a stripper or knowing Lukas but I'm not buying it so I get on top of him and continue hitting him. “If you do not tell me which club and how much my brother has paid you, I'm going to kill you and my brother is coming to pick up your corpse.

He tries getting up, but thanks to my karate training I pin his hands and I had already made sure his legs were entangled in the chair.

He is stuck and defenseless now, I notice that he is trying so hard not to get his gorgeous face hit. I drop my heel and turn his face, he looks straight into my eyes and time stops for a second. Like I said earlier his beautiful eyes are staring into my soul, he is so beautiful. It's like nothing matters at this moment and we are the only two people in this world. Even though I had just assaulted him, I notice that his eyes are fixed on my lips and he is breathing heavily and sweaty all over.

The door opens and both Vincent and Page walk in and are speechless at the sight of me on top of a shirtless stripper. I immediately turn my head and look at them.

“What on Earth is going on, Alexis?”

“Ooh my God Cedrian are you okay, Vincent says rushing forward, Alexis get off him what's happening.” He shouts out.

I gather myself and snap out of the mini universe the stripper and I just shared some seconds ago “So you know this stripper, why am I not surprised” I yell at Vincent.

“Get off him, he is not a stripper but a new general worker of this company,” he replies.

Vincent practically lifts me from the stripper without my permission, the nerve of this man….

“Ced are you alright? '' he asks again.

“My ankle" Cedrian cries out. I notice that he is out of breath but I'm not sure if it is because of the beating I just gave him or he is breathless because of my beauty.

“He is a fucking stripper Vincent, my brother hired and sent him here,” I shout out.

“You stupid Witch, if you call me a stripper one more time I will tie your tougue with this mop and deform that serpent face of yours,” Cedrian finally speaks out.

“Calm down Cedrian, this is just a misunderstanding, what are you doing in this office and where is your shirt?” Vincent asks

“I'm calling security, Vincent, you see, he just called me a serpent. This useless stripper has overstayed,” I add while dialing my phone.

Vincent takes the phone away and looks at me with a serious face.

“Alexis this is not a stripper and your brother did not hire him, I hired him as a cleaner in this company, he is one of the new recruits.”

I look at the stripper again and he looks away, he picks up the vest, shirt and what seems to be cleaning equipment and looks at Vincent. I do not know whether to hide my face in shame or wait for the ground to swallow me.

“You mean is one of the new workers???” I ask in shame.

“Yes Alexis, that's what have been trying to tell you,”

“I'm going to file in a complaint with HR, I have just been physically and emotionally assaulted by this daughter of the devil,” Cedrian threatens

“Hold on Ced we can solve this between us please,” Vincent pleads, “Page say something?”

Page, like me, is looking at the stripper and taking him all in and she's not paying attention to us.

“Ha ha ha I laugh out, please inform this stripper or cleaner, that this is my company and he can not file a complaint against me, where did I even assault him, I was only defending myself.........,” I replied.

“Whether this is your bedroom or your toilet I'm going to lodge my complaint, you specifically said you were going to kill me and your brother was going to Come and pick up my body. I did not even attack you, so I do not know why your crazy violence self felt the need to defend itself.”

“Vincent have you seen the guts, does he even have proper documents to be in this country?” I yell out.

“We are talking about Attempted murder, physical assult, harrassment, psychological traumer.... the list is endless. And those are the issues you should be Googling and not my documents,” Ced says with a smirk on his face.

“You see he is smiling, I will come and wipe that smirk off your face or even deport your sorry ass to Mexico,” I try threatening him.

Cedrian looks at me and laughs, “Did you just threaten me after assaulting me, it's so sad that this company is owned by a drunkard illiterate fool that is wired to believe that every brown guy is Mexican, ooh yes I smelled the vodka evaporating from your rotten mouth.”

“I'm going to the labor office to file charges against you. Does this violence owned company even have a clinic or station for medical purposes. I think she has broken my ribs with her overweight scaled ass.”

His last words hit hard and for unknown reasons my heart arch, a moment ago I thought he was admiring my lips and we were sharing a moment instead, he was smelling the vodka on my breath. I Sling forward in an attempt to finish him off but Vincent holds me back, and asks Page to take the worker to the nurse's office. I'm so pissed, never in my life have I been insulted before especially not by an insect from the Cleaning department.

“You are fired! you are fired! you useless stripper,” I yell on top of my voice.