According to the time table, I'm on the first floor today, I head directly there before captain Steve notices that no one is working on that floor. He really has it out for me.
I'm on the first floor and I begin Cleaning, I notice all eyes are on me and one can tell that they are whispering and gossiping. I'm not surprised because this is a female dominated company and these creatures are always looking for some gossip, so I ignore them.
I hope the serpent controls herself and does not come looking for me, what kind of a CEO would abandon her work just for a simple burger recipe, would she? I laugh to myself and I continue moping.
I'm not looking where I am moping and I mop on someone's high class expensive boots. I look up and I'm met with a huge smile, which is weird because I just ruined this woman's expensive boots.
I stop moping and stare at her while trying to figure out what is so amusing about ruining her Gucci expensive shoes.