“Most guys would have taken this opportunity, a rich girl falling for them?? And they would be smiling all the way to the back plus the added advantage of a green card. You would automatically become an American citizen… everything on a silver platter” she replies
I look at her confused, “So you want me to impregnate you, steal your bank credentials, runsack your company dry and run off to one of the Caribbean islands??? For your own information I wouldn't take the citizenship.”
She looks at me and bursts out laughing like a mad woman, “wow you've already thought about it….. that so cruel.”
“Of course I'm not stupid, but that brother of yours would turn every rock in search of me, so I would bankrupt him first before I steal from you…. But I would let you give birth then run off with the baby….”
She looks at me in shock and actually stands up and faces me, “that's cruel seriously you would do that to a fellow human being”…..