Chapter 98

Liviana's POV

I smirked as I stare at Thalia. She's now lying on the floor while wincing in pain. After she charges directly at me, I immediately let her taste my hard punches that landed on her face and my kicks that directly hit her body.

I broke her legs at the back to stop her from moving. I looked around to see the ongoing fight. "I pity your mate. He got a cheater and a mistress mate like you." I said, and she growled at me in anger. "On the other hand, I hope you never get a chance to have a mate so you could live your life alone." I said, cursing her.

I stepped hard on her paws, making her cry in pain. She tried to struggle, but I did not let her get away from me. "I despise you, Thalia. I can't forgive you for ruining my marriage." I kick her face and body. "See you in hell, bitch." I swing my right leg at full speed, and I hit her face that made her lost consciousness.