Chapter 5

I didn't look at the walls for a long time and opened the first coffin. Inside was a skeleton and ... GOLD! JEWELRY!

The skeleton was all covered with jewels, and even next to it were various golden figurines and precious stones.

- Hehe, I'm rich. - I admired the gold a little and began to open other coffins.

The rest of the coffins were about the same, they differed only in the amount of jewelry and skeletons.

Some skeletons were small, others were of normal height, and some were under two meters. For them, even the coffins were larger than the others, but they also had more gold.

Having opened five coffins, I went to the last one. This coffin was almost the same as the rest, only it was next to the altar on the dais. Moving the slab away, I saw neither gold nor a skeleton, only a skull, and next to it a battered book. It was not particularly remarkable, the leather binding was slightly tattered with no drawings or inscriptions.

Taking the book, I leafed through it a little, it had different drawings, stars, maps, ship models, different numbers, but the language in which everything was written I did not understand. Perhaps this is someone's diary or ship's log, you need to find someone who understands this.

- Yeah, the good here will be a lot difficult to bear, although now I have assistants, so this is not such a problem. - I called the pirates and told them to carry all the stuff to the ship. At first they were shocked by the treasures, but then it seems they realized that they should hurry up and began to load the jewelry. They took baskets from the slave market and filled almost ten baskets full of gold and jewelry.

- Well, let's go and take a look at your ship. - I decided to go with them to the ship and see if everything is ready.

We walked a little slowly, about an hour, the baskets were too heavy for the poor pirates, hehe.

When I went ashore, I saw a ship, I won't say that it was very good, but it looked nothing. It was a little dented, but it looks like the three pirates were able to patch it up a bit.

- Load the goods onto the ship. Hey, you three, is the ship ready to sail? - I decided to finish everything quickly, I was already impatient at sea.

"Boss, we need food and water! - Shouted one of the pirates from the deck.

"Hmm, okay, send a couple of guys out to hunt, then go to the Aboriginal village and get some water, I saw a well there. But don't kill anyone! - I think you shouldn't arrange a massacre with civilians, even if they are fanatics.

After about a couple of hours, two pirates brought food, one brought fruit, the other brought some animal meat. They brought water long ago. They quickly loaded everything onto the ship and everything was ready to sail.

- Okay, let's go! Drop me off on the nearest island, then I myself. - With these words I left my first island.

Yes, I did not stay long on this island, but I feel there is nothing more to catch there.

I am only sixteen years old, I think I will stay on the next island for a couple of years, I will do body work. Eh, it would be very useful to know how to train the will. In two years, I'll go out to sea and hunt pirates, and then maybe the Grand Line.

By the way, I found out from the pirates that we are in East Blue, and they got to the island because of a storm, they were captured by the old man whom I killed.

It seems that even they didn't like their captain, they weren't particularly upset for killing him. Well, no wonder how they even got into his team?

As we sailed, they brought up a lot of gossip and news from the East Blue, such as that the Pirate King was executed nineteen years ago. What does it mean? This means that there are still three whole years before the canon. Yeah, now Luffy is about fourteen years old, we will probably meet in a few years.

While sailing, I heard a lot of pirate stories and tales, in this regard, I thought a little. If I want to become the strongest and live a fulfilling life, then I must definitely become a great pirate.

In addition, we are unlikely to come to an agreement with the Marines, because I hope to get development points for them, and in order to get them you need to kill one of them, it is definitely not worth killing a weakling. So if I kill any of them, I will become a criminal. Yes, and I'm not going to spare the pirates, you need to somehow increase the power. So when I thought about piracy, I also thought about the crew and the ship. I definitely need a navigator, but the rest can be tolerated. In addition, I need to find someone who can look for strong pirates and marines for me, I myself can hardly do this, I need someone like a scout or a spy. Although I'm not going to hunt the Marines yet, but on the Grand Line, hehe, I already have an idea of ​​where to start.

As for the ship, as far as I remember, the ship of the Pirate King and the Straw Hats was made of some kind of "Adam" tree or something, since it is so rare, it probably has special properties? If I could build my ship out of it, would there possibly be some advantages? Well, I think I'll figure it out in the future, now I don't even have a team, let alone building a ship.

If we talk about the team, then we could take someone from the Straw Hats, the same Nami, for example. I just don't know where to get a navigator at all, but the problem is that she is a key character of the Straw Hats, perhaps without her they will not become what they have become.

Eh, difficult choice. You can also take Robin, by the way, she is not a very key character, and she will be no less useful to me than from Nami. In the future, I will need information on strong pirates, and as far as I know, she has a good intelligence gift. And her fruit is specially sharpened for this case. Just think, the Straw Hats won't be able to read poneglyphs, though ... They seem to have declared themselves to the world when they rescued her, and they got pumped up on CP9, hmmm .... Difficult choice.

Although, however, so what? My appearance in this world is already contrary to the canon. Should I sit quietly and keep my head down so as not to interfere with the Straw Hats? What more! Even if I liked them, now I'm a pirate, I don't care about their problems. Luffy can handle it anyway and find the other crew members, and I'll take these. In the end, he has good luck, well, maybe this certain "Will of Di" will help him who knows ...

Besides, I have knowledge of the canon, it would be foolish not to take advantage of it.

Well, now it doesn't matter yet, Robin is now no one knows where, and Nami is generally fifteen years old. I think it's worth waiting for now, as soon as I go out to sea I'll figure it out.

And while I was thinking about it, suddenly ...

- Boss! Ship ahead! - Shouted North, this is the one who commands this gang of pirates. He was a tall, muscular fellow, freckled and very pale. He had red hair, a beard and mustache, and a potato nose. Although he had a strange appearance, he has a bold character, unlike the rest of the gang who stuttered and looked away from me.

- Whose ship ?! - I yelled, I didn't really want to leave the shade. It turns out to be quite hot in the sea, even though I changed my clothes to more or less open ones. Better than my scraps of cloth.

- Pirate! Ha, I know their flag, it's the Hoarse Joe pirates! - Shouted North, a little calmer than last time, and even with a strange laugh.

- What are you laughing at ?! - I shouted.

- Haha, boss, our last cap was notoriously salted by Hoarse Joe, and he got so angry that he started looking for him everywhere, but it looks like he wasn't very lucky today. - North came up to me and said with a grin.

- Hehe, now I understand, he really was not lucky! - I said a little cheerfully, and finally got up and left the shadow.

Ohh, well, hell. In my past world, I didn't really like the heat either. But I really like the sea here, there is something special about it.

- Oh, by the way, what is the reward for this Joe? - I asked North.

- 8 lyamas, and four hundred thousand.

Oooh .. These are growth points! Tfu! Exactly! Forgot to distribute the past, the waters of the club.

"Status" I said in my mind, and it flashed:

[Name: James D. More]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Body Strength - 60]

[Body Agility - 60]

[Body Vitality - 15]

[Shooting - 0]

[Melee - 55 Experienced]

[I teach the Uchu no Mi:

Gravity - 0]

[Unallocated points: Development - 1, Height - 50]

Hmm, I think it's worth raising the strength of the fruit, and raising the physique to the middle stage.

I put ten points into the Uchu Uchu no Mi, and the other forty into body strength, just before the middle stage.

* B-z-z-z *

Ohhh .... At that moment, I felt as if electricity was passing through my whole body, the feeling of overflowing power is indescribable.

I directly feel how the strength has risen to a new level, I have become twice as strong, the transition to a new stage is definitely better than just increasing strength at one stage.

Also, the force of the fruit has become much easier for me to succumb, unlike the previous twenty meters, now I can distribute gravity a little further, almost thirty meters and the force of gravity pressure is much higher. And the control has increased a lot, now I can lift bigger stones. In the past, I could lift a maximum of sixty, seventy kilograms, but now I can probably lift one hundred. It seems to be related to the strength of the body, I think it is directly related to the fruit. Without strength, I most likely will not be able to cope with the strength of the fruit if I pump it strongly.

I think if I had now fought with the old man, I would have won much easier, although the speed is still not enough. In the future, the dexterity of the body must be improved.

Now, we need to distribute the development point.

Soooo .... "Interface!"

The whole tree of talent appeared in front of me, which surprised me, because these changes did not occur. Everything was as it was, Haki was gray, Rokushiki too. Probably I am missing something, I suspect that I need not only to download the talent tree, but also to train myself. As it was in the initial information, training is important ... I don't quite understand it yet, probably when I start training I'll figure it out. What I know for sure is not to rely on the development system alone.

I am going to stay on the nearest island and understand everything completely, not only in training and plans for the future, but also in the world in which I am. After all, all I know about the One Piece world is only canon from the Straw Hats, but the world is much further than it was shown in the canon. Well, in the meantime, we need to solve one problem, hehe.

- Whoa ha ha ha bloody upstarts! I caught you! Guys piss them off! - At that moment, a fat man in a wooden mask shouted in a hoarse voice. Probably this is "Husky Joe".

Well, let's try out the improved powers.

I decided not to mess around for a long time and jumped on their ship, it was twenty meters from ours. With my present strength, jumping a couple of tens of meters is a pretty bad task.

- AND?! What the fuck ?! What a kid ?! Piss him off! - I was surrounded and began to attack from all sides. It was too lazy to beat them, I immediately spotted their captain on the deck and jumped to him through all the rabble. I attacked with my fist while jumping, he grinned and decided to meet me with his fist. How naive ...

* Bang * * grunt *

- Aaaaaaaa !!! - A voice that was not at all hoarse began to yell, his fist was completely broken, a bone came out of the elbow and he flew into the mast. With a quick movement I approached him and began to hammer his head into the deck of the ship.

* Bach * * Bach * * Bach *

After a few dozen blows and pigs' squeals, "Hoarse Joe" was completely hoarse and died.

[* Beep *

The pirate "Husky Joe" 8,400,000 Belli is killed. Reward 60 growth points. ]

Hmm, not a lot, for the five million they gave a development point. It seems to me that I was not lucky, but there are more growth points, which is also good.

I looked around a bit and saw a nice picture, Joe's whole team was very scared. Well, not surprisingly, I marked their leader very quickly.

- If you don't twitch, you will remain intact, do you understand everything? - I was too lazy to kill them, I hope they will not be blunt.

- I-got it. They started nodding and agreeing a little with a shake.

- Fine, I'll take your valuables right now and then you can blame. - I began to speak, slowly walking into their captain's cabin.

Entering the cabin, I was greeted by a mess and a stench, it seems their leader did not really like to wash and tidy up. Looking around a bit, I found a couple of chests of gold and several stacks of belli. I don't know how many are here, but I put everything in an empty chest and threw it at the door, like the other two.

- Hey you, take these three chests and transfer them to my ship. "I quickly gave the order to these pirates and returned to" my "ship. They did not argue, they endured everything and immediately began to swim away. Although with one broken mast they did not succeed well.

We also did not stay long and sailed to the nearest island.