Chapter 7

Out on the street, I went to the shelter. She was next to the bar, so finding her was no problem.

Going inside, I saw the counter, and behind it a plump woman. Perhaps this is the hostess of the hotel.

- Hello, can I rent a room? - I went over and started a conversation.

- Hello, aren't you from here? You can see it. How long do you need a number? She looked at me with appraising eyes and said with a smile.

- For two years.

- Two years?! Wow, with you ... Hmm ... Seven thousand bellies! - She said to me, stretching out seven fingers and smiling broadly. Hmm ... She tricked me, didn't she? Eh, I don't know the price of belly.

Smiling bitterly at my ignorance, I handed her the belli, and she gave me the key. It had the number "4" on it. Not bad, I'll go look at the property ...

Eh, what did I expect? The room was empty, one bed, a window and a dresser. It brings back memories of the times when I lived in a dorm in college ... Although the walls were better here, and the silence, I like this service. Of course I love to have fun and make some noise, but now I'm not in that mood.

Hmm, okay, and what to do? Two years of training, not that long.

Having slept until evening, I left the room and headed into the forest. When I left the hotel I was very surprised. The number of people on the street increased significantly, there was some movement everywhere, as if everyone was awake. Very strange.

Although I did not dwell on this for a long time, and with quick steps went into the forest. On the way I came across many fields and orchards, very many. It feels like the whole island is dotted with them. Various vegetables and fruits grew on them, many of them are simply unknown to me, like trees. Yes, the One Piece world is really very different. Now it is clear where all the people disappeared in the morning, they probably worked in the field.

Coming closer to the forest, I saw Rotret in the distance. He sat in lotus position on a large boulder with his eyes closed. A sword lay on his lap, and he himself was wearing a green cloak

- Hello Mr. Rotret. - Coming closer, I greeted.

- Hehe, mister? Just call me Rotret, I'm not that old yet. - Laughing he said, opening his eyes.

- Haha, ok Rotret, what will the training be? - I asked.

- Well, I will train you only in the evenings, during the day I work. The training will be like mine when I was a rookie on patrol, only I made it more difficult. Okay, let's start. - As soon as he said this, he immediately attacked.

* Bach * * Bach * * Bach *

He hit with incredible speed, I could not dodge most. Within a few minutes I was beaten all over and could not get up. And this is the strength of the Rear Admiral? Stunned, then how strong is the vice admiral?

- Ho, ho, not bad, you are quite capable. Only very slow, and, it seems, you lack combat experience, strikes like from a textbook. Where did you learn to swing your fists? - Rotret asked a little curiously.

- I studied myself, read my grandfather's books on martial arts, and trained myself. - What else did I have to say? I have an unknown system of development, and in general am I from another world? I doubt it's worth talking about it, so I decided to lie.

- Yes? Hmm ... Okay. - It looks like he didn't really believe me, but he didn't interrogate me. It's good.

- Lie down for now, rest, in ten minutes we will start training will, but for now I will tell you something.

Rotret sat down on the ground and began to speak:

- In the future, you will have to fight the Marines and you must understand who you can deal with and who you cannot. This knowledge will help you save not only your head, but also the heads of your team. Now, the Marines have rank systems, and many attribute the Watch ranks to strength. For example, most people think that the vice admiral is weaker than the admiral. To some extent they are right, in most cases this is so, but there are vice admirals who are not weaker than admirals. The same Monkey D. Garp, he is still a vice admiral, but once, I saw him beat the admiral in a few blows, it was a very memorable scene. Ditto for some of the other Marines, don't judge their strength by rank. You just need to know such people by name, for the most part, they do not raise the rank just because they do not want an extra hassle with this. Hehe, but everyone I knew was either finished off, or they are no longer on patrol. Some even became pirates. You will have to deal with this yourself and learn new strong personalities.

After a pause, he continued:

- Although, in certain situations, you can draw conclusions on the rank. But this only applies to counter and vice admirals, those who are below them in rank are too weak, and as for the admiral, everything is clear. Counter and vice admirals are of two kinds. Those who work in the headquarters, and those who specialize in battles. In addition, the Rear Admiral from the Grand Line is no match for that of the New World, but much stronger than those of the four seas. I think everything is clear here and you yourself will draw conclusions. Okay, rest time is up, let's go, keep up. - With these words, he began to walk into the forest with quick steps.

I barely got up and hobbled slowly behind Rotret, yes, I think it will be even more difficult ahead. While there are pluses, I am sure that at this rate over these two years, I will become much stronger.

Walking through the forest, about forty minutes later, we stopped at an unusual place.

There were no trees, just a large clearing surrounded by a grove, but it was unusual because it was all covered with ropes. Ropes were everywhere, connecting from tree to tree, from crown to roots, over a huge distance in a chaotic manner. It looked like a huge spider web. Even if I wanted to jump over it, I simply could not, the trees were tens of meters high. And it is not yet known how far forward this obstacle of ropes stretched. With my current abilities, this is not possible. The only way is to go straight through the ropes. But even so, it will be very difficult, besides, something tells me that everything is not so simple with these ropes. There is a catch in this, right? Otherwise it would not be a training of will.

I decided to ask Rotret:

- What is it? Is this a training area?

- Yeah, here you will train for the first time. This is my personal invention. - Rotret said proudly.

- Is that how they train will? I thought she was being trained in battles by dodging blows. - I asked a little surprised.

"Hehe, you're right, the fastest way to develop the will to observe is through battles. But this method has one drawback. It consists in the fact that at the moment of battle, the will of observation becomes too narrowly focused. More tailored for battle and anticipation of enemy attacks. I want to teach you the very basis of the will of observation, to feel everything around you. And we will start with the feeling of static objects around you, as soon as you can go through all these threads with your eyes closed, the first stage will be over.

- I understood. Is there anything to blindfold?

- Oh, yes, here you go. I will wait for you here tomorrow. - With these words, he handed me a white bandage and began to leave.

Blindfolded, I realized that I did not see anything, what can we say about the sensations of things around. And where to start? I didn't even leave any instructions ... Eh ...

Well, no one said it would be easy, I will try.

With these thoughts in mind, I began to move towards the web of ropes.

Yeah, I didn't think it would be that difficult. I was constantly getting entangled and then untied. I couldn't even walk five meters. After a few hours, I was completely exhausted, not only physically but also mentally. Constantly rubbing against the ropes, all my clothes were torn, and there were burns on my body. What I didn't try to do, I meditated, I tried to crawl deftly, I even tried to use gravity. But all to no avail, nothing helped.

Untied from a heap of annoying ropes at some unknown time, I took off the bandage and decided to go to rest. Not all at once, if it could be learned in a day, it would be too ridiculous. I will try again and again.

Argh ... These burns are pretty painful, I hope there won't be any scars. You will need to buy some kind of ointment.

After a little rest, I went to the hotel, I need to sleep, and tomorrow I will do other things.