Chapter 14

Eh, the sea, the sea ... At night it is especially beautiful, under the light of the stars and the moon, it is beyond words. In my past world, I have never seen anything like this, it seems I am beginning to understand pirates who want to be free ... Looking at the sea, you really feel that you are free and nothing matters, no problems and no worries ...

* Clap *

At that moment, something fell on my shoulder, and this is a hand ...

- Ha ha ha, beautiful huh? It's always like this in this place, we usually swim at night, but here there is such beauty ... To be honest, I swim this route precisely because of this beauty. - Fired a fat man with a pipe in his mouth. Yes, he really likes to sneak up, this is the fifth time, is he a shinobi? Does his belly bother him? Eh, this strange world ...

- And what is not so beautiful in other places? - I asked.

* Pff ** Pff * The fat man dragged on a couple of times and explained:

- It is certainly beautiful there, but here ... how to say it, more beautiful or something. The territory next to the Hilly Forests is all the same, here the air is different, some kind of special, because of this, everything is doubly pleasant, a wonderful place guy ... Although, the locals live only on the outskirts where there are few forests, they do not go deeper.

* Pff * He breathed out smoke and then looked at me and said:

- Okay, here is your stop, will you get to the float?

- Uh, maybe you can lend a boat, I'll pay? - It's quite far to the shore, you can't tell him that I'm a fruit, you never know ...

- A boat? Hah, call me, we already have a couple, what if there is no boat? - He scratched his chin and continued: - Let me give you a barrel and an oar, how do you look at it?

I sighed and muttered:

- Ehh, how much from me?

- Ha-ha-ha, don't be offended, I would have sold it, but you can take the barrel for free, you helped us in the voyage quite well.

This is how I left the ship, with an oar and in a barrel. Well, at least I have a paddle, Luffy didn't have that either.

- Ha .. ha .. Finally ... - I tumbled out of the barrel and began to gasp for air. Who knew it would be so difficult. Rowing in a barrel, when it's calm, is still a challenge, and despite the fact that I'm not the last weakling, I still run out of steam ... Okay, it's time to find a port and get out of here.

I didn't have to search for a long time, I found a port and a ship there, this time I had to pay a little for transportation, but I got a good cabin. Eh, it's time to sleep, I'm tired of something ...

A few days later.

"Wow, this is what Loguetown looks like. What a big city. - I was dropped off at the pier. I looked around a bit and was surprised, so this is what the city of the beginning and the end looks like? Yeah, it doesn't compare to the places I've been to before. Mogos was too small, as was the Aboriginal island, and the city in the Hilly Woods was just a small village compared to Loguetown. Of course, it cannot be compared with the cities from my past life, but here the time is different and the style of architecture, yes, the city is definitely beautiful.

Hmm, what should I do? Looking for North or sightseeing? It would be interesting to see several places ...

I think I should first find old North, and then I'll rummage around town.

We agreed to meet two years later at the Gold Roger bar, but not two years later, I hope to be able to catch him there. Okay, on the spot and find out.

After wandering through the noisy streets and asking around from passers-by, I still found an inconspicuous bar in the alley.

Going inside, I found only a few people, apparently the pirates, it seems, not all Smoker caught. Behind the bar stood a decrepit old man in a purple hat and small glasses, wiping glasses. In the far left corner, with his back to me, sat an imposing-looking man with red hair. Heh, looks like he's here after all.

I went up to him and clapped on the shoulder:

- North! Long time no see!

He turned sharply to me:

- He removed his k ... - Then he saw me - K-cap! Captain, how are you here? Haha, let's have a drink! - Yeah, he hasn't changed much, not very sociable with others, but a cheerful guy with friends. Why not drink ...


Eh, we drank well, how lucky it was that I was an unknown pirate and Smoker did not go to catch me, but sent only a couple of sentinels to disperse us. We got drunk and, of course, had a fight, where can we go without it? If they gave a dyoru from the sentinels, I hope they won't send anyone stronger on our head, I would not like to glow for now, and I'm not sure about Smoker's strength, he is still a logic, I have nothing to fight with him yet.

We talked about a lot with North, and first of all he talked about his successes.

First, he exchanged some of the gold for a belli, after which he signed up for karate lessons with some fishman. It turns out that they teach people too, here's the news, although why not, since there is gold. He, of course, was not taught fish karate, but something like karate for people. For these almost two years, North seems to have had good progress, but we will see this in practice, hehe.

Secondly, to my surprise, he did manage to buy Log Pos, although as far as I know they are rare here. He was able to buy it from some old man named Crocus, of course he had to overpay a lot, but I think it was worth it. The most interesting thing he told me is that this old man has an Eternal Pos, and not one. I think it's worth visiting him and buying something, what if he has an Eternal Pos in Alabasta? It would be very helpful. Although, of course, if he does not have it, he will have to solve this problem at Whiskey Peak.

Well, that's actually all, the ship is repaired, the Log Pos is purchased, the first member of the crew is sleeping in the cabin. Tomorrow you need to walk around interesting places in the city, well, and buy everything you need before sailing.

What else is needed? Well, I think I should sleep, tomorrow is a long day.