Chapter 16

The next place I would like to go is, of course, the Ippon Matsu sword shop. How can I miss this place? Of course, I'm not going to buy a Sandai Kitetsu, or other katanas. I prefer swords, but it is better that they were two-handed. Maybe I'll buy something if I find it.

After wandering around the city a little and asking around, I finally got to the shop. Going inside, I looked around.

Mmm, not bad, a lot of katanas, different swords, but no two-handed, sorry ... Oh! This is ... when I finally paid attention to the salesperson, I also noticed a rather toned body, oh, it was gorgeous, um ... I got a little distracted ...

Hmm, these clothes ... yellow shirt, pink flowers and this haircut ... Tashigi? I walked a little to the side, and looked at her out of the corner of my eye. Yes, this is definitely her, rose-colored glasses and a nice face, in reality she is much more beautiful than in manga and anime, I want to take a closer look ... She seems to be arguing about something with the old man.

- No, no, no, do you seriously believe in curses? The girl asked indignantly.

- Of course, everything in this world is a girl. Besides, like that ... - the old man noticed me and exhaled with relief. - How can I help? Want to buy a blade?

Yeah, it looks like she got him, how cheerful she was. I asked:

- Do you have two-handed swords?

- Uh, there are a couple, I'll bring it in now. - And ran away somewhere.

I turned to the girl and asked:

- Hello, are you from the patrol?

She looked at me and answered:

- Yes, how did you know?

Hell, she's very pretty and these glasses, they really look good on her. Although, her hair would fit longer. Of course, she is completely different from the Tashigi that was in the anime, she is somewhat similar to the one that was after the timeskip, but much, much, much more beautiful and realistic. The graphics of this world are much more perfect than in the manga and anime. Yes, it's beyond words, if it's simpler, then people here look like they did after the timeskip, but much better, much more realistic.

- Hey, ay, did you fall asleep? She came up to me and waved her hand.

I smiled and said:

- Sorry, I thought a little, you are so beautiful that I forgot how to speak.

She blinked a little, and then blushed:

"Um, w-thanks.

I gave her my hand:

"I'm More, James D. More, and you?

She took a step forward and ...

* Bang * hesitated ... I quickly caught her and put her on her feet, smiled and said:

- Be careful.

She blushed and said:

- Th-thanks, Mor-san. II, my name is Tashigi. '' She held out her hand to me.

- Nice to meet you.

But before we could unclench our hands, a guy ran in and yelled:

"Tashigi-san, there, there, Smoker-san is looking for you!

- Oh, exactly! Forgive Mor-san, I have to go! - And ran away.

Eh, she's so cute, and I'm a pirate, maybe his, and become a sentinel? Ha ha ha, yeah, you think the sentinel, who knows what might happen? It's worth trying, but of course not now, in a couple of years maybe, in the New World, but for now ...

- Hey boy, can you hear me. - I heard from behind.

- Sorry, thought. - I smiled at the old man.

- Heh, youth. Look, I have only three two-handed ones. - And unrolled the cloth on the table. There were three two-handed swords, about the same size. Seemingly, the most ordinary swords, well, I think it's worth buying, the sooner I start practicing, the better.

- I take everything, how much from me?

- Ha-ha, since you take everything, then I'll give you a discount. - The old man thought and scratched his chin, and then continued: - Hmmm, well, with you fifty thousand, okay?

I nodded and handed him the money:

- Thank you old man.

- Thank you, come in again, maybe something will appear in a couple of months.

- If I'm in town, I'll drop by. - I waved to him and left.

Taak, and what to do now, I don't know more interesting places. Okay, it's time to swim away.

Approaching the pier, I was about to board the ship, when I suddenly heard a noise somewhere in the distance.

Well, why not check, it's boring anyway.

With my speed, I got to the source of the noise pretty quickly. And an interesting picture opened before me. Two are fighting, one of the fighting is a large man with a naked torso and a black cross all over his back and chest, he even had the same black cross on his face. The second, or rather the second, ball is already familiar to me, Tashigi defended herself well, but it seems that the bull pressed her with brute force. Yes, women are really weaker than men physically, although is this so in the world of One Piece? Take Big Mom, for example, she has tremendous power, although she is a giant, so it's not that simple ...

Oh, it looks like Tashigi needs help, many of the Marines have already been killed by this guy with crosses, I think I should intervene. And where does Smoker wear? Well, I do not mind, at the same time I will try the sword and my strength ...

* Svsh * I moved instantly to the big man and kicked. * Bang * * bang * * bang * Damn, it looks like he overdid it, his carcass broke through several buildings. But judging by the aura, he is still alive ...

- Kha ... Kha, who the fuck are you? - Coughing up blood, asked the big man, getting out of the ruins of the building.

- Yes, so, passed by, decided to warm up. - I said with a smile.

The big man got angry and yelled:

- How dare you, you know who I am ?! Yes I am, the black cross! Right now, I'll rip you bastard! - And rushed at me.

So slowly ... He tried to hit me with his cleaver, but to no avail, he is too weak. I dodged and dodged, I don't even have to use my will, it's too easy. It seems that over time he realized that he could not compete with me and decided to retreat, threw his ax at me and ran.

- Hmm, do you want to escape? It won't work ... - I instantly moved, and found myself in front of him, and in one movement ...

* Svshsh * * Pshshsh * Head from the shoulders and blood like a fountain, I moved away so that I would not be splashed. Well, I think this is a good result, I can hold a two-handed sword in one hand, thanks to my strength, although I do not have enough sword skills. It is worth studying somewhere.

[* Beep *

The pirate "Black Cross" Axel is killed, 12,000,000 bellies. Reward 1 development point, 20 growth points]

Ho ho, not bad, although the growth points are not enough, probably this is because he is too cheap, as strange as it sounds.

- Mor-san, are you okay? - A sweet voice was heard, and then its owner ran up to me.

I smiled and nodded:

- I'm okay, but how are you, do you need help?

She blushed and said:

- No, no, it's okay, it's just a couple of scratches. - Well, she really didn't have any special cuts, perhaps a little hand, but this is from the fact that she was holding the katana, and the big man was pressing with brute force.

- Then it's good, I'm glad that everything is all right with you, well, since we finished here, I think I'll go, it's time for me to leave.

- Ah, wait Mor-San, you killed this pirate, you should get a reward for his head.

Haha and then my eyes sparkled brighter than usual.

I asked in surprise:

- Yes? And what will be the reward? Is it really a kiss?

Tashigi blushed and began to whisper:

- I-I n-n ...

Suddenly, a rough bass was heard from behind:

- Kha ... Kha ... Am I bothering you here? - I turned and saw ... Yes, Smoker, he's quite tall. Smoke hair and a mountain of muscle. Phee, well, it smokes ...

- Boy, are you it? - he pointed towards the corpse.

I nodded.

- Heh, not bad, let's go, get your reward. - And then added his voice. - Hey! Tashigi, who asked you to come here? I said wait.

She lowered her head guiltily and said:

"S-sorry Smoker-san.

- Argh, okay, let's go. Smoker asked after a while. - What is your name guy?

- Mor. - I answered briefly.

- Hmm, I see.

A little later, we came to the patrol base, and I received the promised reward, as many as twelve Lyamas. Not bad. It's a pity I couldn't chat with Tashigi, well, I think we'll have time in the New World, hehe.

Okay, now it's time to reel in the fishing rods.