Chapter 22

Arlong did not have to wait long, he ran up furious with his blade of an unusual shape. The sword looked like a saw with large teeth, and was three meters long, just to match the height of a huge fishman, who was also at least three meters tall.

As soon as he saw his defeated comrades, he shouted angrily:

- I will kill! - And pounced on me with his saw.

* Vshuuh *

It was not difficult to dodge, I immediately found myself behind him and kicked him on the shin.

* Bang * * crackle *

- Ahhh ... - Arlong fell on one knee screaming. Bloody bone peeped terribly out of the torn leg, and everything was flooded with blood.

- Hmm, let's continue. - I walked around the fishman, and stood right in front of him, it seems he was no longer able to fight, well, that's what I was counting on.

* Bang * * grunt *

"Ahhh ..." Another heartbreaking screech emitted from Arlong. This scream alone filled the space. Everyone around stood and looked at us with horror.

- You! - I turned to the nearest fish, which had a flintlock pistol: - Load the pistol and give it here, live.

He nodded his head and loaded the barrel with shaking hands, then came up to me:

- That's right. He raised the pistol with both hands and presented it to me.

* Click *

I cocked the trigger and pointed the muzzle at Arlong's head.

- A familiar scene, don't you think? - I said coldly.

- Fuck-bastard ... - Arlong rasped with a furious look, but that's all he could, besides broken legs and blood loss, I still pressed on him with gravity. Now he is like a fish in nets.

- Us. - I said, not taking my eyes off Arlong: - I will kill him?

She was silent, silent for a long time, all that could be heard was the beating of the hearts of the fish-men and the ragged breathing of Arlong. But after a while, they finally heard:

- Why? - Nami asked almost crying: - Why are you doing this?

I finally looked at her and said with a sincere smile:

- Because you are my nakama.

Immediately after my words, the girl began to cry and she burst into tears. Yes, I did not expect ...

Well, then it's time to finish.


The bullet pierced Arlong's head, and his brains flew in different directions. He remained on his knees with his head hanging back.

The only sound heard in Arlong Park was the sound of dripping tears and gushing blood.

At that moment, a familiar metallic voice sounded in my head:

[* Beep * Pirate Arlong killed, 20,000,000 bellies. Reward: 50 growth points. ]

Even somehow there is no mood, eh ...

I slowly walked over to Nami and hugged her quietly. She buried her head in my shoulder and grabbed my waistcoat with her hands, and began to cry softly. Through tears, I heard quietly: - Thank you

I smiled, and hugging her tighter, said:

- Now you are free and you can fulfill your dream. - She nodded softly: - Mm ... - I continued:

- My offer is still valid if she agrees to go with me to ... - At that moment she tore her head away from me and looked into my eyes and said:

- I agree! I want to go with you.

I grinned and nodded.

"Then welcome to the Blood Star team, Nami the Cat Thief.

The girl raised an eyebrow and asked:

- A cat thief? I?

I chuckled and said:

- It suits you well.

She smiled at me strangely and said:

- Okay. By the way, since you are pirates, do you have gold?

I nodded.

- Well, yes, we have a lot of gold.

Nami's eyes sparkled sharply and she said with a satisfied grin:

- Hee-hee, as a new navigator, I have to inspect the ship, you never know, suddenly there is a problem with this ... ahem, navigation. So I think I'll go. - And quickly disappeared from sight.

Uh? Hmm, somehow she quickly calmed down. Well, I think it's for the best.

In fact, at first I wanted to let Nami kill Arlong herself, but then ... I think she could not, not in her nature. And she shouldn't get her hands dirty about such a bastard, because there is me, her nakama and her captain for that. So, if anything, I will be responsible for everything.

While I, as always, was in myself, Zoro came up to me and clapped on the shoulder:

- Are you stuck again?

I grinned and replied:

"At least I can find my way to the ship.

Zoro chuckled and said:

- What are we going to do with these?

I scratched my chin and suggested:

- Fish soup?

- Heh heh heh, not a bad idea. Zoro licked his lips and flashed his eyes.

I looked at the fish-men and asked:

- Well, who do we start with? - The half-fish were notoriously so scared, someone started to run away, someone began to beg for mercy, there were even those who began to attack us, but Zoro quickly dealt with them. Of course, no one killed anyone, we just beat them a little, maximum two or three died along with Arlong. So we kicked the fish a little more and went to the ship, of course we didn't eat anyone, although maybe it's worth trying somehow? Preferably without witnesses, otherwise they will not understand me that way.

We reached the ship without incident, but when we arrived ...

- Ay, don't, don't throw it away, no, no, put it down, these are the things of the cap ... No, wait!

There was noise and din on deck. Nami threw things out of my cabin, and North tried to stop her, but, of course, unsuccessfully.

Zoro and I got on the ship, and I asked:

- What's going on here?

North ran up to me, and pointing towards the cabin, began to say:

- Cap! There, some crazy woman smashes your cabin and says that she will live there now.

Zoro and I looked at each other, he shrugged his shoulders and quickly unscrewed, I sighed and replied:

- This crazy, uh, that is, normal, now our navigator ... And it looks like now lives in my cabin ... - I said with a sigh.

Well, what did I want? It's Nami.

When we build our ship, we will need to put the locks, although I doubt that this will stop her.

Okay, I'll go and visit MYSELF in the cabin.

I opened the doors and entered ...

Um, where did I go? Is this my cabin?

Uh? There were windows?

- Yes, this is cleanliness. - I said in shock.

- Hmpf, did you clean up here at least once? - I heard a disgruntled voice from behind.

I turned and saw Nami with a bucket and a rag, displeased looking at me. My eye twitched, but I answered:

- This is my cabin, you know ...

The girl narrowed her eyes and said:

- Hmm, are you kicking me out?

I sighed sadly:

- Okay, so we have to live together.

Nami slowly approached me and whispered in my ear:

- Of course, if you agree not to wake up one day, then why not ...

I chuckled and said:

"Are you threatening me like that?" Do you think I won't accept the offer?

Nami froze and then mumbled:

- I'm not serious ...

I looked at her and said:

"Me too, but you don't need to threaten your captain, okay?

Nami smiled and nodded:

- Okay, so can I stay here?

- Of course, soon anyway to buy a new ship, and the girl needs a separate seat. Make yourself comfortable. - With these words, I left her.

Perhaps I was a little rude, but it was not otherwise, I remember what was in the canon among the Straw Hats, I don't need such a mess. Although I do not mind being their friend, but first of all I am their captain, and we must be a well-coordinated and strong team, and the captain must control all this. The Straw Hats survived difficult situations not by strength or strategy, but by Luffy's luck. His luck is his trump card, Kuzan spared him just out of "mercy" not bad, wasn't it? What about the Sabaody event? And there are many more similar cases. But will it be so with me? I have a system, as well as knowledge of the canon, so I just cannot hope for luck, now I am responsible not only for myself, but also for my team. I have to become stronger and make all my people stronger.