Chapter 25

- That is, how is it, you do not know the route? - I was indignant: - You are a navigator!

Nami chuckled and said:

- You yourself burned my cards, what have I to do with it?

- That is, I should have left the gold and take your pieces of paper? - I answered irritably.

"Uh, of course not, but you could grab a couple. - muttered the navigator.

I sighed and calmed down:

- Okay, we'll think of something. - And he added: - And I burned the cards on purpose, now you have a new life, why do you need junk from that dark room?

Nami smiled at me softly and whispered:

- Thank.

I also smiled and said:

- You shouldn't, better draw new ones, but now we need to find out the route. - I nodded in the direction of the ship sailing towards us. - We will ask them first.

Judging by the flag, these are traders, I think they should know something.

Hmm, I was wrong, it looks like these guys didn't know much, or they just forgot when they saw Zoro and North fighting. In general, all that we managed to make out from their stutters is that the road can be recognized on an island that is not so far from here. Therefore, we are now sailing there.


After several long hours of shopping, Nami finally returned to the ship.

- Well, how? Do you know the route? - I asked the girl.

She nodded and said:

- Yes, I bought some cards, now we can easily get to the Baratie, and from there to Loguetown.

I exhaled and went for the rum.

Huh, well, finally, now you don't have to constantly wander, the navigator is the eyes of the ship, without Us, we would not have sailed far to the Grand Line. It's a pity, of course, that there is no map, although there is Eternal Pos on Jaya ... Well, I hope we'll figure it out, there is Alabasta nearby.

In principle, we are almost finished in East Blue, if everything goes well, then first we will pick up Sanji, and then we will go to Loguetown, there we need to buy some things before the long voyage.

As for Sanji, his place in the team is long overdue. He was one of the three strongest in the canon, on the Straw Hats, so it would be foolish not to take him when possible, and if you find a good and suitable devil fruit for him, then his abilities will go to a completely different level. In addition, he is a very good cook, and everyone loves to eat with us, so he definitely comes to us. Blame Luffy, but if there is an opportunity, I'll take it. I am not going to slow down and hope for luck.

I recently thought about taking Usopp, but still decided that it was not worth it, he has potential, but he is not particularly needed in the team, it is better to find a good doctor and carpenter, and, of course, strong fighters, in the future they will be needed. Even if I become strong like a Yonko, I doubt that I alone will have the strength to defeat another Yonko's team if everyone joins forces. The Emperor won't even have to act, and I will already be defeated. Therefore, you need to collect at least four or five strong people who will become my generals, or something like that. You shouldn't even go to the Yonko without them.

Well, that's all in the future, of course, now it's time to think about how I can persuade Sanji to join. Of course, I'm sure that if Nami asks him, he will go to us without question, but this plan is a last resort. I need him to come to us himself, recognizing me as his captain, as the others did, and this is quite difficult.

Heh, that's the problem ...


- Hey, get up drunk! - Someone heard a cry.

* Bam *

- Ahh ... Nami, what the fuck ?! Zoro shouted.

- And it was no fucking thump yesterday, we sailed, get up!

Ohh, my head ... Yesterday we drank a little, and then a little more, I don't quite remember what happened next. And why was she raving, she drank no less than ours ...

This rum is not much worse than Russian vodka, a powerful thing.

I went up to the upper deck, ate dragging my feet.

Haa, drink hunting ... Oh! Mandarin ...

* Chawk * * Chawk * How delicious ... Stop ... Tangerine?

"Um, did we have tangerines?" I asked myself.

- Now they are growing. - I heard from behind: - How do you? - Nami approached with a smile.

- Mm, delicious. - I chewed.

The girl smiled even wider and said:

- Okay. By the way, we sailed, if you haven't noticed. Now, can you tell us why we are here? - Asked Nami.

I picked a couple more tangerines and said:

- You will soon find out, I'll try to finish here as soon as possible.

Nami sighed:

"Okay, just be careful.

I smiled and headed towards the restaurant.

We had to swim here for quite a long time, since the restaurant is not so far from the entrance to the Grand Line, so it is not so far to Loguetown, although we sail in the other direction.

Okay, let's go and see.


So this is what it is, the floating restaurant "Barati" is very similar to the one that was in the canon. Three-storey building afloat, with two masts. The bow of the ship was in the shape of a fish with an open mouth, and the centerboard was like a large fin. Looks beautiful.

Well, it's time to go, I'm stuck at the door ...

Going inside, I saw a pretty decent establishment, with a few busy tables and a couple of waiters. Sanji was not among them, although, unsurprisingly, there were two waiters, and there weren't many visitors. I'll try to lure him out somehow.

I sat down at a table and started looking through the menu, and after a few seconds a waiter came up to me and asked:

- Hello, did you choose something? Anything for you?

I put the menu on the table and said:

- Can I ask for a dish prepared by a certain chef?

The waiter smiled and nodded.

- Of course, say the dish and say the name of the chef, and I'll pass it on to the kitchen.

I nodded.

- Okay, for me this, this, and this ... - I have listed more than ten dishes. What can I do, I haven't eaten anything since morning, and after a good drink I like to eat well. I know it's weird, but what can you do? That's how it is ...

- Hmm, well, what kind of chef would you like to ask to cook? - The waiter wrote down everything and asked. It seems that such orders are not uncommon here, although, what am I surprised? There is one guy in a straw hat who can eat a sea king, so no surprise.

I pretended to be thinking, although I myself had already known for a long time whom to choose, and then replied:

- I heard about a good cook named Sanji, I would like to taste his cooking, is it possible?

The mustachioed waiter chuckled and said:

- Heh, it's easy, expect. - And left.