Chapter 36

- Well, have you come to your senses? - I chuckled, looking at the beaten couple.

- Bastard, how are you ... * Bang * - Heaps the fuck! Zoro growled, knocking out some of our prisoner's teeth.

I slowly walked over to them and said:

- If you don't want to die, then take us to Alubarna, as you should have.

Mr five looked at me and chuckled:

"Do you think these ropes will hold me back?"

I smiled and said:

- I know about your fruit, they will not hold you, here you are right, but then what? Do you think you have a chance against us all? - I looked at his partner and continued: - If you take you to Alubarna, then we will let you go, I give you my word.

The girl chuckled:

"Do you think you have a chance against Baroque Works?" Do you even know who you are contacting?

- Now it doesn't matter, what matters is that you are in our hands, and we can do whatever we want with you - I looked around her from head to toe and grinned: - Everything ... - The girl shrank from my gaze and panicked.

- We agree. - The five gave their voice: - It's easier for us if ours bang you.

I nodded.

- Then let's move forward.

The road to the capital was long, boring, and, of course, very hot. But we did manage and finally got there.

The city was very large and was located on a huge rock. There were many buildings in it, the style of construction of which was somewhat similar to the "Oriental" style from my past world. All these buildings surrounded a huge palace, which towered majestically over the entire capital.

I turned to our captives and said:

- You can blame, I'll wait for your boss here for a couple of hours, if he doesn't come ... - I grinned: - I'll come to him myself.

The girl chuckled and Mr. Five nodded, then they turned and walked away.

Of course, I doubt that Crocodile will come here, he will either ignore me or send his guys to us. To be honest with me, he will be beaten in any case, but to kill him or not, it's worth thinking about. I could go to him right away, but if we start a fight, civilians may get hurt, and there it's not far from the bounty, but I don't need it now, it's not time. We need to somehow lure him out of the capital ... Hmm, if he sends his people, then I can convey the message, okay, then I'll wait.

Hmm, it seems I was wrong, I thought that Crocodile would treat me with disdain and send Mr. two or Mr. three to eliminate me, and perhaps both at once, and then it will be easier to deal with him, but everything did not go according to plan. Almost two hundred auras surrounded us on both sides, most of them were ordinary weaklings, but here are a few ...

When they got closer, I still managed to see the strongest: Mr. 1, Mr. 2, Mr. 3, Mr. 4, Mr. 5, and their partners, three more unknowns who had numbers from 8 to 12. And, of course, Their "Boss" Crocodile is Mr. 0. I didn't expect him to come in person, it looks like he saw a threat in us and decided to deal with it personally. The only one who was not here was Robin, but I felt a not so familiar aura, she was definitely somewhere nearby.

They surrounded us on both sides, and stopped twenty meters from us, on the left were ordinary billionaires, and on the right were the most powerful agents of Baroque Works.

Crocodile stepped forward, and rubbing his hook chuckled:

- So you were going to come to me? Well, here I am, and what next?

* Click * Click * After clicking my neck a couple of times, I turned to the team and said:

- Don't hold back guys.

Zoro laughed.

- Hehe, that's what I wanted to hear. - And pulled out his katanas.

The rest of the guys smiled and got ready.

Nami sighed:

- Eh, maybe we can solve everything peacefully?

- Nami-suan, I will protect you! - Got to guard the ero-kok.

I turned to Crocodile and said with a grin:

- What's next? You will find out now!

* Vshuhh *

I used Soru and moved abruptly towards Crocodile and attacked.

* Shhh * The blow went right through, and he snorted dismissively and swung his hook, but I parried easily and jumped away from him.

- Heh, logia ... Interesting - I muttered.

At this time, the rest began a battle, the guys had to fight hard, fighting against a huge crowd, and it was also not so easy against number agents, but they seemed to cope, because they were much stronger than they were in the canon in the Alabasta arch, even Nami was capable of quite fighting with her staff. So, you shouldn't worry about them, therefore, it's time to learn all the powers of logic.

* Shuu * * Shuu * All my blows went through Crocodile's body, it was very unusual, the logia is really amazing. Although we have been fighting for about five minutes, nothing has changed much, he continues to crush his fruit and that's it. He has a pretty strong punch, but his speed ... it even falls short of that guy with Zoan "Chicken". All he can do is swing his hook and use his fruit, without it he is powerless, relies too much on it. Therefore, it is not a problem to defeat him, if I had the will of arms, I would only need a few strong blows, but now ... We are at an impasse. He also understands this, and therefore attacks with even greater anger.

- Ha-ha-ha, without your fruit you are a dummy! Even when you punch with your fist, use your fruit, disgrace! - I laughed.

Crocodile did not take this to heart and simply chuckled:

- Do you think you can run for a long time? Hehe, now I will show you the power of my fruit, nothing!

- Sandy awakening! - He yelled at the top of his lungs. After that, everything around me shook, and the sand began to swirl around me, sealing inside. I didn't resist and just stopped. After a while, I heard:

- Sand burial!

After that, the sand began to shrink sharply, I did not stand aside and said:

- Barrier of gravity. - A gravitational field formed around me about ten centimeters from my skin, it was very useful in such situations when the attack is focused on the area. I could not use the fog to defend myself, firstly, it would take a lot of effort, and secondly, my fog is simply not enough to cover the whole body. Therefore, such an impromptu barrier can help, I hope ... I doubt that his compression force will be stronger than mine.

* Tudum! *

The sand crashed into me and began to press more and more, but I could easily withstand such a weight, the attack is dispersed over the area, so it is much easier to resist it.