Chapter 40

Eh Grand Line ... Such an interesting place, it is certainly not bad to swim quietly, but I would like some fun, battle, chase, or something else ...

I lay peacefully on the bow of the ship and sipped rum, thinking about this and that. Yesterday Robin did translate the entire book, ahem, that is, the "ship's log." There turned out to be a lot of interesting things, more of course any history, notes, and other nonsense, but still there are some useful entries. For example, about my fruit, it's called "Uchu Uchu no Mi", like a space fruit, or something like that. He was found by a pirate, a hundred years ago, even before the golden era, and even Roger probably did not swim in those days. His name was Balavur "Black Dragon", he got the nickname because of his fruit, some mythical zoan, apparently, he mentioned his fruit in his diary in a slip. Therefore, he did not eat Uchiu Uchiu, and decided to hide, he generally was a fan of hiding something. This is just another useful information from the diary, "Treasure Map", it's a pity only the coordinates of the treasure are encrypted, but the island ... Hehe, Amazon Lily. I don't know what Balavur was doing there a hundred years ago, but the treasure is worth checking, and I would like to look at the empress. Although it can be dangerous, I'm not Luffy, her fruit will definitely freeze me ... Heh, but such a temptation.

Hmm, yes, I was distracted by something, in the diary there was more information, which is probably the most useful, these are the drawings of the ship, the very ones that I liked when I found the ship's log. This ship is certainly not Pluto, but it seems like it was designed by a good carpenter, and the resources for its construction are not cheap. It is worth asking Iceberg or Frankie about these blueprints, maybe the ship is quite good. Well, as for the rest, there is nothing more useful here, a bunch of records about the weather, about all kinds of ship affairs, about how to navigate the New World and the Grand Line. Moreover, all this is written in this strange language, which only Robin understands, so maybe she hid something from me, who knows ... I'm not surprised that he knew him, in those days Ohara still existed, so maybe he came from there or something else.

Also, there was an interesting story about devil fruits, it turns out that a hundred years ago there were much more devil fruits than in our time, they certainly did not lie everywhere like cabbage, but they were not as rare as now. But then something happened, and the fruit began to disappear, Balavar did not know much about it, but it worried him a little. Of course, he is a fruit man himself, who knows where they go.

Eh, this adds new questions, I myself became curious ... Although, now I am too weak to think about such things, it is worth focusing on the future, and then it will be seen.

I got up and sat on the bow of the ship, then spoke in my mind:


[Name: James D. More]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Body Strength - 200 "High Stage"]

[Body Agility - 100 "Fast Stage"]

[Body Vitality - 115 "Silver Stage"]

[Shooting - 0]

[Melee - 55 "Experienced"]

[I teach the Uchu no Mi:

The force of gravity is 100 "Nebula"]

[Observation Hacks - 0]

[Rokushiki: Soru]

[Unallocated points: Development - 1, Height - 100]

Hmm, great, Crocodile turned out to be generous, I never thought that he would count as a special character and give out the award. Well, I'm better off, I wonder, will there be a reward for the other Shichibukai? Heh, I don't check, I don't know, right? I think there will still be a case, but now it's worth hunting for ordinary pirates. Robin has already talked about several interesting personalities. Since she worked for Crocodile, she had to look for recruiting candidates, so she knows a lot about who, from the Grand Line to the East Blue. Therefore, I already have several names on my Black List. Most pirates do not go far from their territories, so did that guy with a chicken zoan, robbing travelers at the exit from the Red Line. I think since the Straw Hats did not meet him in canon, they were either lucky or someone had already banged him. Heh, this time it was me ...

Therefore, it will be easier for me to hunt, I already know a couple of places and we are heading to one of them, there is one group of pirates near Drum Island that trades in the slave trade. Their captain has a rather large reward, somewhat for his strength, how much for cruelty, as much as 113 lamas, which is quite good for me.

Well, we, in principle, have almost sailed, I'm not going to dock on the winter island, I have nothing to do there, but a small island nearby is just what we need. This is where the Hangman base is located. Let's finish with him, and then in the direction of Jaya ...

Hmm, why did I open the status? Cough, exactly, I ought to buy dexterity ...

Taeks, fifty points in dexterity!

* B-z-z *

Hooh, very good, I immediately feel how it became noticeably easier and faster, of course this cannot be compared with the transition to another stage, but also not bad. Yes, and now there is no need for me to move on, I should first hone my skills at my current level. As I already understood, even if I go to the last stage in the strength of the body, for example, my strength will increase, but the likelihood that it will compare with the strength of the admiral is not very high, to say nothing of someone more serious. This is because the main function of the system is to strengthen the available forces, and increase the productivity of training. Therefore, I need now to strengthen my foundations, but unfortunately I do not have time to sit somewhere and devote myself entirely to training. You only need to finish a few things, and then you can lay low. And one of them, I will finish soon, it remains only to get some strength, just a little more ...

- Hey, there is a ship! - Shouted Zoro from the nest.

I turned my head and looked away, then muttered:

- Here it is, the black skull and the gallows, we are in place.

The ship just stood in the sea, with the sails lowered, perhaps they saw us, but did not attach any importance to this, but in vain ...

I turned to Zoro and shouted:

- I do not for a long time!

He grinned and nodded, then sat down again and dozed off.

Well, I took off and headed towards the Hangman ship, I would like to finish quickly.