Chapter 57

Rayleigh turned to me and said with a grin:

- Looks like you have some problem guy.

I sighed:

- Hmm, I did not expect the admiral here.

At that moment, Kizaru stepped forward and spoke in a bored voice:

- James D. More, give up, you have nowhere to run, your people are captured and you are next.

I ignored him and turned to Rayleigh quietly asked:

- What kind of island are you going to train my guys on?

"Kuvaro, not a bad place. - answered Rayleigh.

I nodded.

- Okay, we'll meet there, can you detain the Admiral?

Rayleigh sighed.

"Okay, but mind you, you don't have much time. - After these words, the Dark King rushed towards the Admiral and struck.

* BAM *

Kizaru blocked the blow and a shockwave of incredible force spread out everywhere. I just felt with my bones that it would be difficult for me to withstand such a blow.

But there was no time to watch, it was time to get out of here, I already have some plan, so ...

* Vshuuh *

I dashed towards Kuma and hit.

* Bam *

He calmly blocked and attacked with his palm. I dodged and said with a smile:

- Not bad...

We exchanged several blows and at one point I said:

- How about a deal?

- Not interested. - Kuma answered coldly.

I grinned and dodged another attack, said in a low voice:

- I know that you work for the Revolutionary Army.

After my words, Kuma looked at me in surprise and missed the blow.

* Bam *

He flew off a few meters, but calmly stood up as if nothing had happened. Then with quick steps he approached me and asked in a whisper:

- Who are you? How do you know?

- It doesn't matter, but I'm not your enemy, I know enough about who you are and about Baltigo. - I answered calmly.

After my words, Kuma frowned and said:

- What do you want?

I smiled and said:

- It's simple, send me and my guys to an island called Kuvaro, not far from Amazon Lily. - Then I thought and asked: - Can you somehow ferry the ship there?

Kuma once again attacked me with his palm and at that moment said:

- No problems.

I dodged and asked:

- And the ship?

Kuma thought for a moment, and then replied:

- It will be more difficult, but I can send someone, he will ferry the ship.

I nodded.

- Well, if you need help, just tell me.

Kuma nodded and said:

- Move closer to your team, I attack.

Immediately after his words, I walked quickly towards Zoro and the others. At that moment, I said quietly: - Tell Rayleigh where are we, okay?

Kuma nodded, then shouted:

- Die!

I pretended to shout:


* BOOM *

Kuma hit Zoro with his palm and he instantly disappeared. Then he attacked everyone else with quick movements and they also evaporated.

Then I shouted:

- You bastard! Die! - And he began to madly attack Kuma with his fists. But at one point, his palm flew into my chest, and the last thing I heard was:

- Good luck.

* Bam *

After that, everything around turned black. I felt that I was moving, but I could not see where. It looks like he really helped us, that's good, I had some doubts. In the future, I will try to help him not lose his identity, as it was in canon, I hope he can convey a message to Rayleigh.


I flew for about two days and at one point I felt a strange feeling, and then ...

* Bam *

I landed, and the ball in which I was flying exploded, light instantly hit my eyes. Gradually my eyes got used to it and I looked around:

I was standing in a small crater shaped like a paw, there were several more of the same craters nearby, and a little further a fire was burning and the guys sat around it and looked in my direction.

North shouted:

- Cap, what was that ?!

I dusted myself off and went to them, sat down on a log and said:

- Kuma sent us here, this is one of the abilities of his fruit.

North whistled.

- Cool, I really thought that I died, and ended up in purgatory, it was so dark ...

- Have you been here for a long time? - I asked.

- Five hours. - Nami replied, then added: - True, Robin arrived a little later, about two hours ago.

Well, this is not surprising, Kuma sent her later than everyone else, since she was next to me and was not tied up with the others, and then he sent me.

I exhaled and said:

- Now the problems are over, Rayleigh should be arriving soon.

I waited on the shore almost all day and by nightfall I saw a silhouette in the distance. At high speed, someone was just floating on the ocean, as if it were an ordinary lake. A few minutes later he swam ashore, turned in my direction, and said smiling:

- Haha, so we met.

I smiled and said:

"Looks like you managed to get away from that Admiral.

Rayleigh chuckled.

"Why, he's not yet mature enough to catch me.

- Thank you, you helped us out. - I thanked.

Rayleigh waved his hand and said:

- Come on, I promised to help look after your guys, so I did. By the way, are they here too?

- Yes, Kuma ferried us all. - I answered.

- What about the ship? - asked the Dark King.

- Kuma has to drive him.

Rayleigh nodded.

- Okay.

Almost a week later, two ships moored to the island. One of them was mine, the other was unknown people, their captain came to me and said:

- The boss ordered to drive the ship.

I nodded.

- Okay, give him my thanks.

We finished with this, and they sailed away. Now it remains to finish the last thing and go to the New World.

"So I'm going until I'm here. Rayleigh-san will help you with your training. - I said while standing in front of my entire team. They were a little sullen, but no one objected to my departure, I turned towards Rayleigh and said:

"Thank you Rail-san, I will definitely repay for your help.

He smiled and nodded, then said:

- Come on, go.

That was the end of our farewell, and I set off back towards Sabaody by air. My gravity allowed me to fly quietly for several days, so the path to Sabaody was not difficult for me. I didn't have a ship, so there were only two ways I could get to the New World. The first is to go through Marineford, which of course was impossible. Well, and the second is to be someone's passenger, this is the way I chose. Fortunately, pirates sometimes swim in the New World, so I shouldn't have any problems with transport.