Chapter 66

After these thoughts, I finally decided everything and hit the road to the Heavenly Island.

The Red Line looked pretty good from the air. I stood right in the sky and watched a mountain that went so far into the distance that I could not see the end. In the distance large buildings could be seen right on the mountain, if I understand correctly, this is Marie Joa, the very place where the Gorosei sit. Well, on the other side, Marineford was naturally located. Yes, perhaps very soon I will visit there, curious how the headquarters of the patrol looks up close. Although, after I took the fruit from Thatch, maybe Teach will reconsider his plans and Ace will not get into Impel Down. Hmm, it looks like I lost a good chance to visit the most guarded prison ... Hmm, I rewrote the canon drastically, now I can hardly predict anything. One good thing is that I now have two fruits, and the team is training and safe. Well, maybe it's time for me to start training, I hope Enel will not mind.

I looked towards Jaya and grinned.


While I was flying to Skypiea, I got quite hungry, it was not surprising, because two days had already passed since I was on the way. And before that, I hadn't had a snack in the boat for quite some time. Plus the winds high in the sky are very annoying, and quite a lot of energy to spend on them. Therefore, I flew and looked out for some island to sit there, eat and rest a little.

And now, after a couple of hours, luck smiled at me, I found a small island, though it was high in the sky, which surprised me a little, it seemed to me that it was still far from Jaya ... But there was no big land nearby, so this is not Skypiea. Hmm, well, I hope they have food and water. I climbed into the sky a little more, and flew about five hundred meters, then landed on a solid cloud.

Hmm, is this an island? Quite small ... The island was small, maybe a couple of kilometers long and the same width. The only thing that was on this island was an ordinary house built of bamboo, and there was a small garden nearby. There were several fruit trees in this garden, so I did not hesitate a second and went after the prey, I was really hungry.

As soon as I approached the tree and was about to pick a strange pink fruit, I heard a cry:

- Stand! - When I heard this voice, it was as if I was paralyzed. The sound was so beautiful that I felt goose bumps all over my body. Even my breath went out of hand ... I immediately realized that I should leave, there is something unclean. But as soon as I turned ...

- Khaa ... - What I saw just put me into a stupor and my head started spinning. A beauty, a girl of such beauty that I could not even imagine. How is this possible? Is she a heavenly angel?

I turned away and said:

- Don't ... Don't come near.

- BUT? Why? You feel bad? - The girl panicked, and ran up to me, grabbed my hand and quickly said:

- Now I will help ...

Immediately after that, a strange warmth passed through my body, and I felt calm and peaceful. The beauty of the girl no longer bothered me, my breathing was restored. How strange ... It's not about her looks and her voice, it's ...

- Devil Fruit. - I said.

- BUT? What is the Devil Fruit? - The girl asked uncomprehendingly.

- Did you eat the devil fruit? - I asked in response.

The girl blinked and then said:

- Um, I don't understand what you mean.

In fact, what she said didn't bother me, I felt like I was floating, as if nothing else mattered. It's like I'm under ... Wait a minute ...

I quickly pulled my hand out of her grip and said:

- What have you done?

The girl hesitated, then said:

- I tried to help ...

I chuckled:

- Thanks of course, but I'm fine. Maybe a little hungry. "Having said that, I looked again at the fruit in the garden. Hmm, her fruit could be very soothing, like some kind of pain reliever or narcotic.

- Do not eat them, they are poisonous, grandma grows them to create medicines. - The girl said to me, standing in front of me.

Now I could finally see her, there was no more dizziness. Maybe I had it from hunger? Oddly enough, even her voice has become quite normal, there is definitely something wrong here.

The girl was very beautiful. A petite blonde with blue eyes and a delightful figure, she was a head shorter than me, and her skin was very pale, and from this sparkled in the sun, the view was mesmerizing. I wonder how such a creature ended up in this wilderness? And also her abilities, she is definitely a fruity, but does not seem to know about it.

I sighed and asked:

"If you can't eat them, then I'll go. - After these words, I turned around and stomped away from here. I wanted to eat brutally, and I wanted to chat, although with a beautiful girl, much less, maybe later I'll come back somehow.

But I was not allowed to leave, the girl instantly appeared before me and said:

- I can give you food ... I mean ... Grandma, yes, Grandma can cook for you.

I nodded.

- Okay then, let's go. - So what? Once they offer me something to refuse, I'm a guest, it's not good.

Immediately after that, the girl took me to a bamboo house not far from here.

Approaching the house, she turned and said to me:

- Wait here.

I nodded and waited, and the blonde went to the house. After knocking, she went inside and a minute later came out of there, but not alone. Next to her stood a short old woman in a white robe. They both came up to me and the old woman said:

- Hello young man, my name is Gemiya, and this is my granddaughter, Aliya.

I nodded and said:

- Nice to meet you, I'm Mor.

The old woman smiled and said:

- You want to eat right? Let's go. - She waved her hand and called for her.

And after five minutes we were sitting in the garden and eating some kind of grass, it was difficult to call it food, but I did not complain. I doubt they have meat here ...

The old woman sipped her tea and said with a smile:

- We are used to such food, it is healthy and nutritious.

I smiled back:

- I understand, thanks for that, if I can repay you with something, just tell me, I'm a great pirate, it's not difficult for me.

`` Pirate means ... '' the old woman muttered, then asked:

"Are you here for the treasure?"

I shook my head.

- What are the treasures? Trees and those inedible. I flew to Skypiea, there I have one little business, but on the way I got hungry, and wandered to your island. Then he asked:

- By the way, I have never heard of him, what is this place?

In response to my question, the old woman sighed and said:

- I have been living here for a long time, before my arrival there was nothing here except this garden, so I myself do not know what to call this island.