Chapter 69

This whole crowd was not very large, there were about fifty people maximum. Apparently, these are the Soldiers of God, or God's army, I don't remember what they were called in the canon. They were all dressed in white robes and were running at me with fierce looks. Among them there were only three big guys who were at least worth something, but in my eyes there was absolutely no difference between all of them. Even if one ant is bigger than the other, it won't help them, I didn't force them to get in my way.

So I reacted to their actions with a simple movement, hit the hard surface of the cloud with my hand and said:

- Black hole.

* H-y-y *

A black substance similar to smoke spread from me in all directions, which began to fill the entire space around. Stopping at the same time all the attackers, and then began to drag them somewhere. When it started, I felt a strange space inside this fog. It turned out that this fruit has contact with some unknown dark place in which I can control everything. In the battle with the priests, I did not really feel this connection, since I simply could not tighten them, they were strong enough to resist the force of attraction of darkness. Those who get into this space, I can simply kill and he will not be able to resist, and if I want to tie him up, he will not be able to twitch. I can also store anything here, from ordinary people to entire buildings. This ability has two uses.

The first is simply pulling something in and storing it there. For example, you can keep captives there or transport your ally in an unnoticeable way. Also, different things can be stored there.

The second use case is tougher, pulling everyone in and squeezing with the power of darkness. You can also drag a person along with some debris and simply crush him with them. This use case is more suitable for killing weak opponents, because strong people will simply be able to resist the pull. Therefore, to capture people stronger than they are, you first need to neutralize them, and only then pull them in.

Actually, that's what Teach did when he defeated Ace. Well, that's definitely a pretty good ability.

While I was thinking about the "Black Hole", all opponents were completely pulled into the dark space, which I felt inside me. Inside, they simply could not move, the power of darkness pressed them and tied them.

I felt that I could easily get rid of them if I wanted to, but it was not necessary. I could use Liberate and throw them down from this cloud, and also test how this skill works.

I concentrated, and the power of darkness seethed within me, clouds of dark smoke spread under my feet, and then I said:

- Liberation.

* WOOM *

* Vshuh ** Vshuh ** Vshuh ** Vshuh *

The darkness seemed to explode and all the people pulled inside began to fly out like cannonballs. They shouted, but could not do anything, flew in different directions and not one of them could stay on the cloud with me.

- It threw them out quite well. - I chuckled.

I could have been a little softer, but out of habit, I very strongly opened these "gates" that connect the space of darkness and the outside world. That's why they flew out of there so hard. You need to learn how to control this, I would not like to get all the objects like that.

I looked up at the cloud above and grinned, it's time to finally chat ...


Climbing up, I landed next to the temple where the local god lived, but unfortunately he was not there. His aura was felt a little further, I already guess where he might be.

I went in the direction that the khaki suggested to me and pretty quickly found Enel.

He was on a huge ship, with many rotors and propellers. In the center of the ship was a huge golden face, under which was a golden throne.

Enel sat on the throne and looked in my direction with a calm smile. I also stood in the air and smiled, waiting for "God" to speak.

After some time, Eneli could not stand it. He got up from the throne and said:

"Mortal, your strength is amazing, you amused me well.

- Glad to try, O great God Enel. - I said with a grin. Apparently he immediately realized that I was mocking him, so he frowned and growled coldly:

- Man, you dare to laugh at me ?! Do you think that once you have defeated my servants, can you talk to me like that ?!

I chuckled:

- No, no, what are you, O great God, this weak little man would not dare.

- Grr, you asked yourself bastard, accept your punishment! - After these words, electricity charges began to run around Eneli.

* B-z-z * * B-z-z *

There were more and more of them, then electricity began to merge with his body and Enel began to grow in size.

Hmm, this guy isn't as arrogant as I thought. It looks like he realizes my strength, and decided to act for sure. Well, unsurprisingly, his observation hacks are at a very high level, so he is quite capable of assessing my powers.

While I was watching his super technique, Enel had already noticeably grown in size, so I concentrated and began to release the power of darkness, let's see how strong the wave of darkness is.

* H-y-y *

The darkness around me grew and took the form of a huge black wave. Enel also did not sit still and had already grown to the size of half of his ship, then he stretched out his hand and growled:

- 200,000,000, Volt Amaru.

* B-z-z *

After that, he struck with his fist, and a huge electric beam rushed into me.

I chuckled and sent a wave of darkness in the direction of his attack.


Two energies collided ...

I felt tension all over my body, yet the fruit was largely dependent on the strength of the user. The stronger the user, the stronger the fruit. Therefore, if the past me were here, I would not have been able to hold out under the onslaught of Enel's attack at all. Yet he did not hit the area, but attacked with a concentrated beam of electricity. So it was no surprise that after a few seconds the darkness was broken through ...

* B-z-z *

A bright blue electric beam flew at me, which could easily seriously injure me if I took it on my body. Although I am stronger than Enel, his fruit has terrible power, perhaps not even inferior to the admiral.

Of course, I was not going to take the blow on myself, it's a pity of course the darkness did not stop his blow, I am not yet experienced enough in the power of this fruit, but this is not my only fruit, therefore ...

I put my hand forward and clouds of fog instantly flew out of it, taking the form of a shield. Immediately at that moment, all the power of the lightning fruit hit the shield ...

* BOOM *

The air around me crackled, and my hair stood on end, I felt a pretty good power pressing on the shield, but it did not weaken at all, yet our forces are in completely different areas.