Chapter 105

- Ze-ha-ha-ha, yes ... Sea Devil, how many years, how many winters! Teach exclaimed cheerfully.

He was, as always, tipsy, with a joyous toothless smile. This time he was really dressed a little differently from our first meeting. Now he looked like a real pirate. Black pirate hat and the same color captain's cloak with gold trim. Precious rings on each finger, beads, pearl bracelets. In general, he looked no longer that simple guy from the Whitebeard ship. Probably then he wanted to disguise his ambitions and secret desires ...

I didn't expect to see him here, although, now he can come here freely, so it's not surprising. Probably decided to put together a team.

I chuckled:

"Teach, looks like Shichibukai are paid well, nice hat.

- Ze-ha-ha, thanks, Whitebeard was rather stingy and took part of our share for himself. But now I'm my own captain, and I can do what I want, ze-ha-ha-ha!

- And what have you forgotten here? Have you been sent for me? - I asked with a half smile. Noticing the gazes of his companions. There were three of them, the first was a pale guy in a black top hat and a red cane. It seems his name was Laffite, I don't remember exactly, he was the navigator in their team. The second was a tall, skinny man on a horse, with a scythe in his hand. Doc Kew, doctor of the Blackbeard team. Well, the last one was Burgess. He was quite large and wore a mask on his face. I don't remember his role in Teach's team ...

Teach chuckled at my question and said:

- Heh, not really, I think they don't care about you right now. Shaking and waiting for Whitebeard, ze-ha-ha-ha! I only found out about you when I arrived here. This was news so news, I did not expect to meet an old "friend" here. You made a good mess here Sea Devil, I think the Watch has a lot of work to do after this.

"You too, you're their dog now, don't you?" - I asked with a grin.

Teach's cheerful smile twitched a little, but he continued to act as if nothing had happened:

- And you know how to joke my friend, I admit, when you took yami yami from under my nose, I was terribly surprised and angry. But fate sometimes presents various surprises, so I resigned myself to it. Since it happened, can we unite?

I raised an eyebrow and asked, confused:

- Shall we unite? What are you talking about?

- Ze-ha-ha, everything is simple, join my team, let's make this world tremble together!

- Pfft ... Ra-ha-ha-ha! - I could not resist and laughed.

Sargon stood next to me and chuckled softly. The cat yawned bored, and with a last glance at Teach jumped from the old man's arms.

- Heh, I see it made you laugh? Well, nothing, I thought so. Everyone knows the arrogance of the Sea Devil. If you don't want to join my team, then I understand ... '' After finishing, the smile left Teach's face and he growled:

- Skull, you took what you shouldn't have touched, so ...

- Why is that? - Smiling, I asked, instantly appearing behind Teach.

I felt a shiver in his aura, and then he turned abruptly and looked at me. Just at this moment ...

* Bach * * Bach * * Bach * * Bach *

Laffite and Burgess dropped to their knees, and then their heads slowly rolled off their shoulders. At the same time, Doc Q and his horse split into two halves and fell, filling everything around with blood. The organs and intestines of both adorned the ground, and the scene came out even worse than I thought.

Teach's eyes trembled and sweat broke out on his face.

I'm not surprised, he can and has good intelligence and endurance. But he just couldn't know my current strength. He could not have known about how I almost defeated Kizaru just recently. For him, perhaps my strength has increased, but not enough to worry about it. He can and can feel the strength of others, feeling their spirit, but sometimes it is useless if the opponent is too strong. After all, he, like me, once defeated Ace, so he could have misjudged my strengths. So now, unfortunately, everything has changed ...

- You ... You ... How are you ... - Blackbeard had fear in his eyes. Unlike others with the will of D., he is very cowardly, so now his true nature has appeared.

I chuckled and said:

- Sargon, so what kind of fruit do you have?

- Wo-ho-ho, captain, let me show you! - A reckless grin leaped across the old man's face, and then a shock wave escaped from him in all directions. His scraps of clothing and beard fluttered as if in the wind, and the aura around him was filled with a distinct royal will.

Teach turned nervously and then began to run away. He ran pretty fast, his speed was commendable, but unfortunately ...

* Wshu-uh *

Instantly an old man half his size appeared in front of him. Outwardly, he was completely harmless, but here is his aura, it made even me wonder. His royal will was definitely much more developed than mine.

Teach realized that it was useless to run and attacked in a rage.

* BAM! *

His blow was quite strong, so Sargon was punched through. It surprised me, but then I understood everything ... Teach's hand went right through the old man, and something strange appeared at the place of impact ... a tree?

Sargon grinned and began to crumble, it was something yellowish, like sawdust. He then materialized again next to Teach and attacked. A wooden spear appeared in his hand, which he threw at the enemy. He defended himself without any problems, but at the same moment the spear disintegrated and turned into many needles.

* Vshuh * * Vshuh * * Vshuh *

They all plunged into Teach's body, and then Sargon shouted:

- Tree Ants!

After he screamed, Teach grimaced and began to scream.

- Aaaaa! What is it?! Heck! Heck! Heck! Get them out ...

Probably all the tree needles began to move in his body and bring unbearable pain. Hmm, what a weird fruit, is he able to control all of his woody parts even in the opponent's body? This seems to be a logia, but a tree is not a particularly useful type of logia in combat. It is too difficult for them to create devastating attacks like other fruits of this type. But if he is able to control a tree, even in the body of an enemy, then it is quite dangerous ... I wonder what else he is capable of. Worth watching further, I doubt this is the end, Teach is not that easy.

Teach did not shout for long and at some point began to calm down, Sargon waited and did not attack. He looked at Teach suspiciously and frowned, I didn't like that either. Teach had a very strange aura, it was very unusual, it felt like ...