Chapter 111

When morning came, I decided to swim a little closer to Marineford to be sure to hear the noise of the battle.

Today, as yesterday, it was unusually quiet, but now the silence was even more oppressive. Although, maybe it's just my imagination ...

I stood at the wheel and sipped wine, North came up to me and asked:

- Hey, cap, do you think everything will go well?

"Well ... you have become much stronger, maybe not as much as the officers of the Yonko Team, but not the same weaklings that you were before." Zoro and Sanji are so generally very close to the level of the weakest generals of the Yonko. We need this battle, for a long time we all did not fight together, and even now ... - I looked towards the two chatting girls and continued:

- We have a new nakama, she should feel that they can cover her back and that her comrades will never leave her. Well, of course, let's take a look at her medical skills, they will probably beat someone to a pulp ...

- Uh, cap, who are you hinting at?

I chuckled:

- Don't worry, you work in a team, just be careful. Well, if you want motivation, then remember about the rewards after this battle.

Suddenly North's eyes lit up and he nodded.

- Damn, exactly, we haven't been given an award for Tenrjubito yet, and then there's Marineford, ho-oh ... I can't wait to see my new portrait. I hope it's not in vain that I cut my hair ...

- You said that you are just too lazy to wash your head? I asked with a grin.

- Ha ha ha, that was the main reason. By the way ... - Red looked towards Sargon and asked:

"Who's looking after Sargon?"

I chuckled:

"It's not necessary, he'll take care of himself." You think they just locked him up on the sixth floor?

As we chatted, I suddenly felt a strong jolt. As if it had passed through the water ... An earthquake.

- Started. - I said seriously, looking into the distance.

Zoro woke up and everyone else tensed. I looked at them and said:

- We will arrive in a slightly special way, get ready ...



The roar of the waves was heard from all directions. Two huge tsunamis loomed over the watch base ...

All the marines around in fear shrank, and on the edge of the huge white ship, a lone figure laughed wildly:

- Gu-ra-ra-ra!

But at that moment, a man flew out of the admirals' seats and began to quickly freeze the oncoming waves. Seconds later, Marineford was rescued from flooding. The whole bay was covered with ice and finally there was a place for battle.

The admiral decided to strike the first blow at the Yonko, but unfortunately could not withstand Whitebeard's attack and fled. Every sentinel in the area was happy, because their lives were saved, but this is just the beginning ...

Suddenly, a strange ripple passed through the air, and thunderclouds began to cover the sky. An oppressive silence reigned everywhere, and then thick black smoke began to descend from all directions on Marineford.

Nobody could understand what was happening, except for the strongest people in this place.

Sengoku grimaced in displeasure and snorted.

- As I thought, he will not miss this ...

On one of the admirals' chairs, Kizaru sighed softly and muttered:

- Time to settle old accounts, huh?

Ace looked around in confusion as everyone around him was acting weird and it was definitely not because of Whitebeard. It looks like someone else has come ... Even the Vice Admirals and Pirates stopped fighting and began to peer into the sky.

Whitebeard looked to the left, towards a strange blue glow in the darkness, and then grinned:

- Damn boy, and why did you come ...


I used the powers of two fruits to propel our ship through the air. I also used darkness to make our appearance more dramatic, and Sanji supported me in this by using the power of his fruit. As a result, the sky was filled with thunderclouds, and the space around the base of the sentinels was clouded with a black haze.

Our ship drifted in the air and moved at high speed towards the Marines' base. When the ship emerged from the darkness, I slightly reduced its speed, and then completely stopped.

Our appearance was quite noticeable, everyone around them looked only at us, without looking away.

The crew and I stood on the forward deck next to the bow of the ship, from there we could be clearly seen.

Suddenly a loud voice sounded from the side of the sentinels:

- Sea Devil, what do you want here? This is not your fight, why did you come here?

At Sengoku's words, I just chuckled and replied:

- Not my fight? Why do you think so? Firefist is my friend, so why should I sit aside when he is executed by a bunch of Tenrjubito's henchmen?

- Your friend? What nonsense! We both know why you're here, don't we Mor? - Asked with a grin to Sengoku.

At that moment Whitebeard spoke:

- Boy, since our last meeting you have grown up a lot, this is commendable, but can you explain why the hell are you here?

I chuckled:

- Old man, last time you almost knocked me down, do you think I will chat politely with you?

- Gu-ra-ra-ra! Again you are impudent brat, if I wanted to beat you, you would already be a corpse! Whitebeard growled.

- Well, try it! I replied with a grin and jumped off the ship towards Yonko.

I arrived at Whitebeard in an instant and our fists immediately collided.


My fist was covered in the strength of both fruits and the will of the weaponry. So I was able to nullify the power of Whitebeard's earthquake, but even so, his blow was just monstrously powerful ...

From our collision, the ice around it cracked, and the sky was divided into two parts. This division was already more pronounced than in our encounter with Kizaru, but still insufficient for the level of the two Yonko. My strength was still lacking, and we used only fists ... But even so, I withstood the blow and did not budge. Of course, my body did not shake weakly, the bones in my hand cracked a little, and my organs received a lot of damage. But it was all worth it ...

Whitebeard removed his fist and laughed.

- Gu-ra-ra-ra! You all amaze me and amaze me, great! If you really are here behind Ace, then we are on the same side!

Many of Whitebeard's people looked at me in amazement and could not believe what they saw. Also, from the side of the marines, the picture was even more amusing. Sengoku's face darkened even more than usual, and all the admirals were much more serious than before. It is not every day that you meet someone who is able to withstand a blow from Whitebeard. My appearance could completely change the results of the coming battle.

I have long wanted to test our differences with the Yonko, and especially with Whitebeard, who is considered the strongest. Of course I still have to grow and grow, but I was happy with my results.