Chapter 119

Night. Thunder rumbled and lightning struck the sky. This was not uncommon for the Grand Line, the weather was calm just recently, and now a terrible storm has come. A lone ship with an unpretentious pirate flag floated amid the huge, violently beating waves. A white skull with a pistol to its temple and a saber in its teeth. There were many people on the ship, who were removing the sails and trying to survive the dramatically changed weather.

One of the pirates pulled the rope with all his might and shouted:

- Argh! It's not even better, first these two psychos, and now there's a storm, and why are we so unlucky today ?!

The pirate next to him was calmer and just laughed:

- Ha-ha-ha, Fisk, keep it simple, but we won't have to wash!

- Ra-ha-ha-ha-ha! - Pirates nearby cheerfully laughed. But at that moment a loud displeased voice was heard:

- Are you laughing? If this ship sinks, you'll save your own asses! Get to work!

The green-haired man, with three katanas on his belt, jumped from the crow's nest and walked into the cabin. The presence of this man aroused fear in a bunch of pirates. More recently, this green-haired demon and his partner had their captain and first mate thrown overboard. Therefore, it was possible to understand the reason for the nervousness and fear of the pirates. They gritted their teeth and set to work.

* Clap *

When the door to the cabin slammed shut, they breathed a sigh of relief.

- Huu, this swordsman ... It's him, right? - The pirate asked nervously at a friend standing next to him.

Another pirate nodded and replied in a whisper:

- These two, it's definitely them ...

Entering the cabin, Zoro exhaled and sat down on the sofa to the left of the window. On the other couch lay a red-haired pirate sipping rum.

North sat down and asked with a grin:

- Well, got your pants wet?

Zoro snorted.

- Shut up, you better give me a drink.

- Haha, catch ...

* Vshuuh *

Catching the bottle, Zoro took a few strong sips, and then said contentedly:

- Good thing, I didn't think they would have such a nice rum.

North took another bottle from an already pretty empty box and replied:

- This is a special rum, this is only made in the New World, I read about it.

- Ha! Can you read?

- What more! I looked at the pictures.

- Ha ha ha ha! The two pirates laughed and then drank more.

* Bach *

Putting the bottle down on the table, Zoro asked:

- So where are we going?

- Yes, the devil only knows, you threw the navigator overboard, now you need to find a new one.

- Ha, he turned out to be a weakling, who knew that he was a fruit and would drown.

North sighed.

- Yes, water is our big problem.

- It's not a problem for the captain, train more and the problem will be solved.

When word came in about the captain, North looked out the window and asked:

- For two whole years, do you think we can handle it?

Zoro looked at the redhead seriously and said,

"I'll go looking for Mihawk, I advise you to find a good opponent too. If you want to cope, then train tirelessly. I'm sure Mor is doing it now.

- Mikouka? Are you crazy? Did he almost kill you last time? Do you want to die?

Zoro snorted.

- I will not die, I must find him, this is not discussed. If I'm still a weakling in two years, I'd better die.

North shook his head and grinned wryly.

- Damn you, then let's swim to your Mihawk, do you even know the way?

- Uh, well, not really ...

The redhead rolled his eyes in displeasure and said:

"It's not even better, we'll only spend a year or two looking.

- Do not whine, this is the Grand Line, we will look well and find it.

- Ugh! Okay, let's have a drink for now.

- You just get drunk ... - the swordsman drawled with displeasure.

- Look who's Talking...

- Ha ha ha! Okay, pour it!


A few days later.

On the shore of a small island, most of which was covered with huge thickets of the jungle, a man lay with his face to the sky. He looked quite normal and was apparently alive. Seagulls flew over his head and screamed.

* Scri * * Scri *

The sun was very hot, so after a while he grimaced and turned on his side:

- Fuck, North, close the window ...

Turning over, the pirate suddenly opened his eyes and froze. Slowly lifting his head from the sand, he looked around in disbelief.

- What the hell ... where am I ... - Scratching his head, he grimaced: - drink hunting ...

Getting up and shaking himself off, he stomped into the jungle with displeasure.

Finding the source of water in the form of a small stream, Zoro did not hesitate to crouch down to the source and began to gulp the water greedily.

- Khaa ... How good ... - After washing his face, the pirate stood up and thought.

* Bach *

Striking his forehead with his palm, he shouted:

- Yours ...! You should have fallen asleep on the bow of the ship ... - The pirates' drinking was nice. Everyone was so drunk that they fell asleep wherever they fell. Zoro was one of those, so he fell asleep right on the bow of the ship. It was not surprising that he fell overboard and was washed ashore by some unknown island ...

- Hmm ... And now what?


At the same time, on a pirate ship.

Opening his eyes with displeasure, the red-haired pirate realized that he was in a rather unpleasant situation.

- It was good ...

* Screep * * Bach *

The barrel in which North was sleeping shattered into pieces and he exhaled with relief. After removing the debris, the pirate stood up and stretched.

- Taeks, we ought to get drunk ... Hey! Bastards! Get up!

Frightened pirates fell from all directions. Someone started screaming, and someone panicked to run ...

North grinned maliciously and went to look for rum. After about ten minutes of searching, the pirate sat down on the sofa in the cabin and said with displeasure:

- Even not better, Zoro is gone, and even worse, these bastards drank all the rum. - looking at the bottle of water, the pirate sighed: - We'll have to wait until the nearest port. Zoro can handle it, you can't kill him with such nonsense, but what should I do now? - With a displeased grimace, North began to think about his future. Now he is completely alone, the captain asked him to look after the swordsman for a reason. Zoro is terribly oriented in space, North has already heard the story of how Mor found Zoro and took him to the team. If he gets lost, it will be very unpleasant ... Dressrosa is in the New World, it will be very difficult for a swordsman suffering from spatial cretinism to get there.

- Well, I hope he can find his way ... He didn't get out of such shit, so he must cope.

Coming out of the cabin, North looked at the disgruntled faces of the pirates and shouted:

- Set sail! We will sail to the nearest island, we have run out of rum, so do not dare to hesitate! - When the pirates heard that the booze was over, they immediately rushed to the sail.

North looked into the distance and muttered:

- It looks like I'm alone now, let's see what comes of it ...